Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Walking Dead -3×2- Sick

Another solid episode. Useful Carl is growing on me! He's still an annoying bugger with that stupid hat on, but at least he is following in his father's footsteps of doing foolhardy things that seem to work out for him in the end. And of course Lori starts down the redemption arc path.

I loved when handlebar mustache guy said "For real?" in response to finding out about the state of the world. T-Dog and Daryl are awesome yet again.

The prisoners were a complete plot device, but I guess all the plots can't be great. Sure, we've been imprisoned for months, nigh years, but we are just so eager to stay here in the prison. No, those guys would want to get out of there, even if there are perils in the world. They'd want to get to where their families are. No way in hell they'd want to stay in a freaking prison. But I guess they had to be a plot device so Rick could make his speech, and then chop up spider-tat because "shit happens".

When Rick opened up the poop-room and gagged on the smell, I laughed. Please. That whole prison would have smelled like death warmed over. The zombies have feces inside them, and they are rotting, moving flesh. Come on show. Also, Maggie's teeth were super-white but I guess I can forgive that since she mostly has lived on the farm the apocalypse forgot, complete with running water and I guess an endless supply of Aquafresh.

I was disappointed when T-Dog said "Word of Advice...." and didn't follow it up with "Don't @#%& with Rick Grimes".

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