Saturday, April 28, 2012

Glee - Season 3 Episode 17 - Dance with Somebody

How do you, do a tribute episode to a singer that is the admitted idol of one of your characters and one of your very best singers, whose voice is made to sing those songs and not have her do a solo? How anybody sat down in a writers room and said, yes, let's do a tribute episode to Whitney Houston (which was their first bad idea. They should have left her alone. Her bodies barley cold in the ground) and let's not have Amber Riley who was freaking born to sing Whitney Houston and whose character idolizes and worships her, sing a solo.I don't want to hear about how Amber has song alot already. That is not the point. Can anyone imagine Glee doing a Barbara Steisand episode and Lea Michele not singing a solo? No? Me either. and if it did happen, I'm pretty sure the internet would blow up.

You know it wouldn't have been so bad if some of the people they did have sing the songs, could actually sing the songs.

I Wanna Dance With Somebody: I'm sorry. Heather Morris had no business singing that song. If they wanted to do a Brittana duet they should have let Naya do most of the heavy lifting. The performance looked good, but I couldn't get past the sound.

It's Not Right, But It's OK: Well Glee did it. They finally ruined Blaine for me. I usually like Darren's performances and his crazy dances and faces don't usually bother me. But this song was god awful. I actually turned the channel from second hand embarrassment. As for his storyline, there was so much whining going on between him and Kurt I have no idea who was in the right or wrong and they have now made me not care. But again, that song......was awful

I Have Nothing: Chris started out OK and his emotion was good, but once they made him go into his high register, I was done. Just a classic song ruined. And I love Chris's voice. And knowing that Amber would have just nailed it just made it even worse.

What was good:

Obviously How will I Know: Chills. Chills up and down my spine it was so good. The four best singers on the show given a proper showcase. Loved everything about it. Everything. That's what actually made me think this episode was going to exceed my expectations.

Saving All MY Love: I actually liked surprisingly. If they pair Dianna with the right person and pick something suitable for her voice I usually enjoy her singing, And Joe has a little bit of a different voice than some of the other boys.

My Love Is Your Love: Was great. Chris and Darren sounded good on this.And of course Amber killed her part and any time I can she and Kevin together all the better. It all gave me Season 1 feels.

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