Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Glee -3×16- Saturday Night Glee-ver

Ok, I thought this was one of the best written Glee episodes in the longest time and felt like Glee S1. The characters were all in character for better or worse and a large part of the cast was involved but it felt like one show. The fact that this was the person that wrote IKAG, which is in my top 5 worst episodes ever, was a huge shock.

Finchel: Rachel was in character, but Rachel has horrible self-esteem as does Finn and I'm supposed to root for them to use each other as an emotional crutch until it horribly blows up in their face. Rachel was willing to give up Broadway for Finn because Finn feels more like home. I get that, I don't agree with it all, but I get it. Rachel was horribly bullied and that's even counting what Jessie and Shelby did to her. They only thing that got her through that was the dream of Broadway that she was going to be a big success and then all the pain would have been worth it. But now she belongs, she has friends and a loving boyfriend who is crazy about her. Plus he's the most popular boy in school and he picked her and his stepbrother is her best friend. Hell even Quinn's bonding with her was about Finn. She doesn't need Broadway to emotionally validate her anymore, because Finn does it way better. She feels incredibly grateful because in her mind popular handsome high school god Finn rescued poor, plucky loser Rachel and made her so much more. As for Finn, I finally get why he’s crazy about Rachel. In his head, he needs Rachel, because to her, he’ll always be popular high school Finn who sees him as the best guy ever, even when he’s a high school burnout and she’s a big star. He wants for high school to be forever, because this is the only place he’ll be the best, but it’s impossible. With Rachel, some part of that survives, because she’ll always see him like that and he loves that about her. I hate that it glamorizes as true love, because it’s incredibly toxic. One of them is going to disappoint the other, and it isn’t going to be pretty. Props to Cory, because I think he truly gets the desperation about Finn, and I often hate Finn, but he makes Finn seem like such a teenager that you pity him and just want him to feel good about himself.

Brittana: Well this is why I loved the most. My Santana Lopez is back in all her confident, snarky glory and crazy hotness. I get her wanting fame, because that is really just affection and attention writ large and I think to a person whose so emotionally closed off that really appeals to her and why Brittany is her forever girl. I liked that she didn’t let others make her feel bad about want she wanted but realized that she didn’t want it for herself so she kept looking, such as Will who was in his douchy best tonight with her and Mercedes because god forbid you don’t need Will to fix your life and emotionally validate him, seriously those are people not dreams, way to be a dick. Also Naya killed the “I’m dating the bestest girl ever” faces throughout this episode and you saw that Santana knows Brittany’s limitations but she only sees the good. Also it’s about time we see how they are as a couple, however bullshit that they aren’t the PDA kind of couple please Brittany and Santana totally would have started making out after Santana’s performance and finding out about Brittany’s help getting Santana the scholarship. Also yeah Brittany was playing her throughout the entire episode. Yeah the fact that she started out with Fear Factor when she knows that Santana was made for a Real World/Real Housewife kind of reality show and just plopping the bull testicle on the notebook when Santana was in utter shock at what Brittany was saying. Brittany knows that you don’t take Santana words at face value, and that it’s much easier to show than tell with Santana. As for releasing the sex tape without her say so, Santana wasn’t really pissed about it and Brittany knew she wouldn’t be. Lastly to end on a shallow note, Naya looked ridiciously hot in that 70s jumpsuit and we couldn’t have gotten a bikini pic out of “leaked sex tape” c’mon Glee straight guys watch too.

Mercedes: First of all, Amber’s acting has come a long way since S1 and the work she put in shows. She was perfect in her choir room scene in which she said she knew she had the talent but had no idea how to make it happen, and the shocked happiness that everyone loved her video on YouTube. Also great to see Mercedes perspective for once and not Mercedes perspective as it relates to Rachel or ND. Also Disco Inferno hands down the best number of the night. The fact that Blaine gets three songs in an episode, and Mercedes gets one per night is a travesty, and I say this as someone who loves Blaine’s pop hits, that god-awful, painful rendition of Fighter not included.

Other comments, Unique was great, but I liked the character better when he was called Roscoe on House of Lies. Jessie St. James was criminally underused seriously no song and only one scene, however hilarious. Seriously the “I will cut you” eyes he was giving Unique and the faces during the number were comedy gold.

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