Sunday, February 19, 2012

Once Upon a Time (2011) -1×13- Whatever Happened to Frederick

Oh, I laughed and cackled and clapped during the scene where Kathryn told Regina that she didn't love David and how their marriage was an illusion and she didn't how it happened. It was absolutely fantastic. Beautiful. I love it when don't go Regina's way, and this was a prime example. Showing Kathryn those pictures backfired spectacularly. It was great.

In other Enchanted Forest news, Abigail's personality has been clarified. We know now what she's all about. She comes down on the side of the angels. I gotta admit, I'm just dying for the Frederick reunion. I like these two. We got so little, but I like them anyway. She's missing and he's got to find her. The same way Charming finds Snow, or Emma found her parents (even though she doesn't know it yet). I really, really hope they can have their happy ending.

Loved the bit with Red being taken with Charming - interested to see if that plays out with them traveling together or if he'll drop her off once they get to safety. And I'm still dying to know about his mother - I can't believe he'd be okay with her getting killed. Some explanation is required here.

Regina has keys to everyone's home. Creepy.

Lastly, the biggie, the book. Copied? Or, did he in fact change some of the stories? That's what I way thinking. If so, why? And, which stories? Will Henry notice? Right now I'm assuming our flashbacks will still be accurate, and only Henry's knowledge of what really happened will be affected, not our own. Because if we can't trust what we see - it's not worth following. It's a cheat to audience, like a mystery novel where the clues are false.

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