Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Glee Season 2 Ep 18 : Born This Way

Finn’s “I Gotta Be Me”… Oh Willard!!

Thanks for ruining an awesome song Warblers. For the most part, you’ve done songs that I’ve never given a shit about, but “Somewhere Only We Know”...that was personal. That genuinely got me pist.

A little confused. This is Glee… why did they just pan to an empty hallway after Kurt’s song? There should’ve been someone lurking and plotting. Because that, you know, adds plot. (Unless I missed something.)

So Quinn Cabosey was cubby-wubby tween? Not too surprising. It would have been cooler if Lauren found out that Lucy Cabosey was the JonBenet babies she competed against at Toddlers and Tiara’s, but whatever. I wish she got made fun of more before she became “an inspiration.”

Once again… some of the best acting in the episode was the work of Jamya Mayas. She really is wonderful and adds a lovely emotional depth to the show. I always thought she did, but now that we are exploring her OCD more, we’re really seeing what she is capable of as an actress. Oh, side note, why did I recognize the actress who played the therapist?

Santana’s speech to Karofsky about being a Late Gay (or whatever she called it): awesome. Santana and Karovsky’s beretes: awesome. Everything else about that story: unnecessary.

The mash-up of “Unpretty” and “Oh So Pretty” was surprisingly good. Never really cared for either songs before, but together they were pretty good. And Dianna and Lea’s voices blended together beautifully.

Finally, the song the episode was named after kinda sucked. Was it supposed to?


  1. I too recognized the therapist Emma visited, and fortunately someone else found out who it was.

    Her name is Kathleen Quinlan. Best known as Mrs. Marilyn Lovell from Apollo 13.



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