Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Revenge -2×8- Lineage

I usually enjoy flashbacks so I can get more backstory, but almost an entire episode taken up by flashbacks and all we really learned is that Victoria had a jealous selfish insecure bitch monster of a mother (no surprise), how Aiden and Amanda met, and Daniel wrote bad poetry? None of that is really a surprise. I mean, most college freshmen write bad poetry so that's pretty par for the course. Conrad has been planning for Daniel to join the company since birth so no surprise that he burned said poetry (even though by 2006, we had these cool things called computers where you could store things like poetry). I think we've known from the beginning that Victoria is a schemer so her revenge plan on her mother was no surprise either (nor were the circumstances that caused her to want revenge).

The only other things we learned were that Amanda helped Ashley but Ashley didn't know who she was, Nolan dated another one of his CFOs, and the Porters were always boring. If next week is the winter finale, I want to see some fireworks to balance out how little action we got this week.

Ashley was an idiot. What did she think she would do with an MFA in art history ANYWHERE?

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