Friday, September 28, 2012

Glee -4×3- Makeover

The best episode so far, but solely because the NYC material is really starting to come into its own. Sarah Jessica Parker was really excellent--I loved her number with Kurt and Rachel, and really all of her scenes with Kurt. She's almost singlehandedly selling a pretty unrealistic/unbelievable story. I also demand an Anna Wintour cameo before this is all over.

So glad Rachel decided to kiss Brody. So angry that stupid Finn showed up to ruin it. Commence the slut-shaming of Rachel, I guess.

I'm rapidly losing interest in about 90% of the McKinley side of things. It was better this week given the absence of the TIny Toons, but the election story was cartoonish, and the only things it contributed to the overall show were Blaine's misgivings about everything, and Sam and Brittany's growing friendship (which is looking dangerously like a budding romance to me, and I will rage forever if that shit happens). Both of those stories could have been played out in a way more grounded to the NYC proceedings, especially if Santana were in New York, like they said last season, instead of in Louisville. And, as much as I love Sam, if it were Brittany and Blaine becoming friends, then that's two birds with one stone. But that's silly of me to expect storytelling economy from this show.

I don't hate Will's story, except for the part where they already did this with the Broadway thing back in season two. For it to have any impact at all this time around, they'll have to go through with it, and if Glee has demonstrated anything so far this season, it's that they don't like going through with things.

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