Monday, June 11, 2012

True Blood -5×1- Turn! Turn! Turn!

I enjoyed almost everything about this season premiere except Sam and Terry's storylines. Meh...

As always love, love, love Pam!!! I wanted to see her more but I'm happy about what we got. And the next 3 episodes are supposed to be chock full of Pam so there is that to look forward to. I never was concerned about Tara's mental state when I was speculating she would be turned by Pam, but I'm afraid she might be "Fucktarded" as Pam so kindly put it. She [Tara] did look kind of glossy eyed and out it, and she never spoke in the previews we saw for the upcoming episodes so I am a little worried about Pam having to deal with that as a maker.

Also love the Bill/Eric bromance going on. I always believed the two of them were better off and more likable when they weren't pining or simply around Sookie. It would be great if they never had to be around Sookie again but I know I won't be that lucky. Especially loved the little scene where Bill told Eric to run after the car exploded but he[Eric] told him he wasn't leaving without him. Too cute!!! Although I do feel like that level of closeness, or whatever you want to call it, came out of nowhere but I am looking forward to seeing that relationship grow throughout the season. And I agree with the other poster who mentioned their disappointment at not seeing Eric and Bill having a real reaction to having to leave their entire lives behind. They're not going to try to call their daughters or even mention them at ALL??? Seems a little OOC and an epic fail on the writer's part. Although Bill did seem to make a little face so I guess there's that.

Lone-Wolf Alcide is now a pack master. I guess he killed so he bought it...

Marcus' mom eating him, well that was different... I mean lady I know you are grieving and have funeral rights to perform, but your son was in the dirt for two days. That meat is gonna get you sick.

I feel for Layfette. In one night he becomes a vessel to a woman misrepresenting herself as a wiccan, (still not letting that go!), is forced to kill his lover, forced to almost kill Bill and Eric, then to cap off his Halloween, he gets his cousin shot and turned into a vampire by a woman who hates her... Dude needs a vacation...

Newlin is back and gayer than ever. Seems interesting.

So now I guess it's no longer Princess Jessica. She is now Queen Jessica! I'm for it!

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