Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Glee 3-13: "Heart" 2012.02.14

Well, hell. That was mostly good.

Amber's rendition of "I Will Always Love You" was amazing, and she looked beautiful in that dress. Major props. BUT, her breakdown at the locker was not great, and making the whole Sam/Mercedes thing so angsty was just a massive, massive fail. I've gone from thinking they're adorable to wanting them to shut up and go away. It's just so pointless. I legit cracked up at crying Shane. WTF? We saw like, 30 seconds of that "relationship."

Actually intentionally funny moments that genuinely cracked me up -- Rahcel's bedtime ritual (hello, classic Rachel! We missed you!) the nasty shot of Finchel about to kiss and Figgy and Santana's disgusted reactions, the complaints lifted right off message boards, and the "lube" conversation. That last one. Holy crap.

The entire episode dropped dead at Rory's solo. Thankfully, that's what the fast-forward button is for. And we knew the little weasel was lying. Are we supposed to like this dick? First he fakes being a leprechaun to try to get in Brittany's pants, now he lies to get a date? How...sweet? What?

Finchel needs to die. They are children who are all wrong for each other on every level. Just no no no.

Tina sings!

Karofsky. Just no. No no no.

And then there's Puck. Hi, Puck! Oh...bye, Puck. Guess they couldn't make Samuel your cousin since it would have given you something to do besides throw out some halfhearted one-liners and then disappear. Ah, well. And I guess everyone knows about him and Shelby? I can't tell if Mark's kinda sad delivery of "wasn't for me" about true love was deliberate or not.

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