Wednesday, December 7, 2011

90210 -4×12- O Holly Night

I am at a point where I hope they just kill Navid off. He hasn't been likable or rootworthy in over a season and on top of that they keep rolling in this train of his dull dumb boring relatives like anyone cares. Michael is a fine actor, but unfortunately he hasn't had chemistry with anyone but J Low and I dislike Navid to the point where I think Adrianna getting back with him would make me dislike her too and I don't want that.

Silver hasn't been likable in over a season either. I didn't hate the idea of pairing her with this teacher but unfortunately he is dull as dishwater and what little chemistry I saw when they initially met seems to have vanished. Yet they still remain more tolerable than Navid and Silver. These couples sure move at lightning fast speed don't they? 2 episodes ago she was trying to hook him up with Annie over Thanksgiving turkey. WTF was she wearing btw?

I understand that Liam and Annie have fans, what I can't understand is why. Of course Annie gets the necklace and the money. Here's to hoping that storyline is over as it never made much sense to begin with. Also the character of Liam is a flat out bore.

I want to know what writer thought Austin was a good idea in any way, shape or form?

The only decent moments was the scene between Naomi and Holly when Holly found out that Naomi got the internship, and I was fine with the Dixon and Adrianna scenes and thought his song was cute (though I am saying now that if they sing every time they are onscreen together I am FF'ing through them both).

Worst. Cliffhanger. Ever.

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