Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Vampire Diaries Season 3 : Ep 3 The End of the Affair

I thought this episode was fantastic, I loved learning more of Stefan's backstory and I'm intrigued to find out more about the power of Elena's necklace. I think it's good Elena has some semblance of closure for the time being so she can stop being completely obsessive about finding Stefan. I thought the fact that Stefan knew Klaus before and had a fling with his "original" sister but was compelled to forget was a great twist.

I liked the new characters they introduced tonight! Rebekah and Gloria were pretty badass. Klaus even seemed to have a tiny iota of respect for Gloria, when she lit his stake on fire (damn, that sounds dirty!) Either that or, he just needs her alive for the moment. But he didn't even threaten her or anything. I have been going with a working hypothesis that the witches all originated in some way in Africa, maybe they all came out of a specific tribe so they don't have to be all related per se. We don't really know the true origins of any of these witches/vampires/werewolves so there is a lot for the show to explore. Plus, I'm sure the actors enjoy the work and the witch tonight was cool.

Candice was wonderful in this episode. When Caroline burst into tears saying "my dad hates me" I was almost crying myself. Awesome work, just pitch perfect. God, I love her and Tyler together so much.

It's interesting that witches can apparently use the magic to prolong their lifespan. Very interesting.

Every time I heard Lexi's name this episode, I got sad about her demise all over again. It would be awesome if they found some way to bring her back. I'd even be okay with it not completely making sense.

Seeing Katherine was a true and pleasant surprise, It makes total sense that she's in Chicago and is keeping tabs on Stefan.

Can't week for next week and Bonnie !!!!!!!!!!!!

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