Monday, July 25, 2011

True Blood -4×5- Me and The Devil

Loved tonight's episode! My favorite scene was hands down the Jessica, Hoyt and Jason dream! That was so well written and played out. Loved the return of Lettie Mae and the Reverend. She actually got him to marry her? Wow! That whole cleansing the house was quite hilarious.

Tommy killing his parents was also very well played out. I was just as worried as Sam when Andy went to open the back of the Van. Tommy thinks really well on his feet. That gator was a big shock. Loved him actually being torn up that he accidentally killed that no count mother of his. It showed he can still be redeemable and isn't a pure sociopath. I was really surprised that Sam didn't hesitate to help him, but I guess that's just second nature to him.

Love, love, love Tara. I don't care! She's the only real character left on this show. She's the real human reaction to the crazy situations that this town provides. This show needs that and her on it. She spoke the truth to Sookie. She couldn't even deny it. Why does that make her annoying? I'll never understand that train of thought.

I was indifferent to the whole Eric and Sookie kiss. I'm just ready for them to do it, so that we can move on already. It's getting too Twilight-ish for me. I just have never cared about Sookie and her merry troop of men and who she'll end up with.

We now see Antonia has every right to hate vampires. Even while burning at the stake she sent thousands of vampires to their death. Wow. So, we're to assume those were the vampires day walkers carrying out their orders that burned her at the stake in the sunlight. I can't wait to see their full evolution.

Bill and Pam make for a great dynamic on screen together. Loved their scenes together. I think that was Antonia that Bill was speaking to and not Marnie. I don't think Marnie was being glamoured.

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