Sunday, July 3, 2011

True Blood -4×2- You Smell Like Dinner

Oh my goodness. This episode was five zillion times better than the season's premiere, even though I still think there are too many unnecessary narrative trajectories (e.g. Andy as a junkie, Arlene as a hysterical mother of a potentially Satanic baby, Sam's brother). 

Eric... his bow to Bill was epic! I couldn't stop laughing. And the last scenes, the way he went from confidant, badass vamp to lost boy in less than a sec was brilliant! It made the whole ep. for me.

Jason's story looked o.k. in the first part of the first ep. But now? Number one, the ep.2 opened with him being licked by a hillbilly kid, and that grossed me more than graveyardsex and the orgies, way back when. Number two, we are forced to watch more than 5 min of Crystal and baby-daddy-whose-swimmers-are-lazy, trying to hump him (for different reasons, obviously)?!?! And those 5 min are expanding into the next ep.???

Crystal... Just. Go. And. Die. Already. 

Fiona Shaw is rocking the house as Marnie - that whole witches coven scene was TB at its best.  Who knew a Big Bad on a Beanbag would work?

Liked the Bill flashbacks - Bill is such a better character (and Stephen Moyer a better actor) when he is so sneaky and hypocritical and manipulative that even HE is getting confused as to which side he is on (great scene with his face all blood-polkadotted, lying his ass off to Nan). Pam's little dismissal of Sookie's moaning - she is so right on with the bullshit-ometer, as she showed with Jessica in the previous episode.

QSA... Never warmed up to her, but I still didn't like the way she ended her run. I wanted to see an epic fight, not Bill winning in the most pathetic way possible-with a help from his little human army friends... and Nan.

I really hope they don't drag the Jessica/Hoyt trainwreck storyline out too much. I'm so sick of the general tv attitude that everyone needs to sow their wild oats, people who settle down young are always unhappy and trapped, etc. I'd rather see people who want unattatched lifestyles living them without trying to be someone they're not and hurting people in the process. 

Sam and the Shifters. I actually like this side story, though I wish he would stop being so angry. I hope Luna (hopefully not wearing her mommy's face right now) helps mellow him back to the guy we all liked in Season 1 and 2.

Lafayette and Jesus, I liked them but now I'm getting a ooky feeling about Jesus being pushy about the magic.

Poor Terry, has his hands full with a baby and Arlene the nutjob (I hope she's just a nutjob and the baby isn't really a demon or something).

Tara came back, looks great but is lying to her girlfriend... I'm happy to see her in a good place but she'll probably need to go back to New Orleans to get away from the crazy. She's been home what? A few hours and already had a run-in with a vampire.

PAM. Gosh, I want her to be my bestie. I want her to take Jessica under her wing, teach her some ridiculously sassy deadpan humor, and send her off to bask in bloodlust. 

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