Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Glee Season 2 Ep 8 : Furt

Furt Promo Pic

An interesting offering tonight. Dramatically, this was a good episode of the Kurt Hummel Power Hour. There were some great moments and the wedding songs were nice. There were many things I liked about this episode and it resolved some of the outstanding story arcs which was nice.

My main complaint is.....practically everything was about Kurt, even when it shouldn't have been. I understand this was a continuation of Kurt's story and Kurt's a great character, but this is becoming overkill. Enough already. I want to move on to some of the other characters now.

Take the wedding for example. This was supposed to be Carole and Burt's moment, but it was turned into a Kurt dedication. It wasn't a wedding - it was one big Kurt appreciation slash apology party. And way too much laundry was aired at that wedding to the point that it was cringe-inducing. Sadly, Carole and Burt were bit-part players in their own wedding.

Secondly, the hatchet job the writers did on Finn's character was extraordinary. Basically Finn was portrayed as a selfish, self-centered liar, who doesn't care a wit about Kurt, and as a deceitful, lying boyfriend who won't man up even when his girlfriend asks him to grow a spine. I was shocked at the level of character assasination here. He will need a long redemption arc to please many of the Kurt and Rachel fans who will likely be howling over his complete lack of conscience and balls.

I will admit it - I was hoping that Finchel would topple tonight, but the writers couldn't even accomplish that, even after the Finn character assasination. Where was Rachel's outrage over his behavior and lack of character?

Overall, I felt shortchanged by the complete focus on one character. Based on next weeks episode, it appears this trend will continue. Some will like this, others will not. Should be interesting to see what happens. 

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