Thursday, October 25, 2012

American Horror Story: Asylum -2×2- Tricks And Treats

I can tolerate a lot of creepy but I don't like possession or demons or stuff like that.

Was Kit taking Lana's notes a genuine attempt to help / protect her? Or did he just want to see her escape plan? Also, Kit can't be BloodyFace now because BloodyFace killed Mrs Pizer right?

The NotSoGood Dr. is a real piece of work but I don't think he's Bloody Face. He's too damn tall. James Cromwell could play The Jolly Green Giant at a moment's notice and whoever is playing the serial killer is a completely different build. Do you think the prostitute will go to the cops or no?

The actor playing the possessed kid really brought it. That was horrifying. When the parents were describing what their son had done I was "Okay, sounds like the sudden onslaught of Bipolar syndrome or a psychotic break." But when they showed him I said "NOPE. That is the DEVIL. Not a devil, the devil." But considering how this place is run, I can't blame him for showing up. Hell is empty, and all the devils are there.

Sister Eunice is going to lead the Dr. a merry chase. I wonder what the hell happened to him to inspire such an extreme pathology? Talk about physician, heal thyself!

Shelly was great telling her story--and a nice line between a woman who enjoys sex and nymphomania (which was seen last season.) She just had a really high sex drive and was trapped in a society where she had absolutely no outlet, not even in marriage. As she said, as soon as the ring was on her finger her former free thinking mate became her owner. He kept screwing around but she was expected to just be a wife/servant, and when she rebelled he committed her!

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