Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ringer -1×17- What We Have Is Worth The Pain

Ridiculously awesome. I liked all parts of the episode this week! I mean, these past couple of weeks the show's gotten pretty dark... as angry as he appeared to be when confronted in the flashback, I do think Andrew at least said that he wanted Siobahn dead, then again, this is Siobahn's flashback and the fact that she was wearing a wire or whatever does suggest that she provoked him... Andrew tends to run hot and cold from what I've seen, so I don't think he would have plotted out her murder like Siobahn suggests... I'm glad he took the bullet for Bridgette. I don't think he's killed Malcolm. I did think that his draconic partner did in Tyler, but since the drive was a fake, I now think it's an unknown third party maybe...

I think its pretty obvious Olivia thinks that Siobahn is a horrible person, at least after tonight's episode (Of course, she's pretty awful herself). I do think that Olivia is smart enough that if she knew that there were 2 "Siobahn"s that she would have figured it out ages ago. I do wonder why none of the characters have ever wondered if Siobahn is suffering from mental illness or something, the difference in personality between the two siblings is pretty pronounced at this point. It doesn't surprise me that the driver figured it out, Bridgette had told him that her sister had committed suicide, and when. The fact that her personality was quite different and her supposed loss of memory twigged his skills (he's clearly been trained in this at some point, given his comment about the shoe-prints and such.) just as it should have done with Machado...

Henry is still a creep...

NICE to see Juliet call out her mom on her bitchiness... Poor Juliet; her Mom is horrible, her dad's been shot, some guy wants to hurt her, and her evil stepmom is suddenly nice. Karma sucks. Ms. Golightly's character has recovered, this will make Foggywood happy.

When she confronted Andrew in the office, how could Andrew and Olivia fail to notice that Siobahn was huge, even with the coat on?

Still on the USS Bandrew for what its worth... I'm sure Andrew will pull through and these crazy kids will make it work... lol.

Poor Machado, he was enjoying his gloating so much, and then to have it turned around with Malcolm being a no-show...

This episode has cemented for me just how hateful Siobahn is. She is truly consumed by it.

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