Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Glee 3-10: "Yes/No" 2012.01.17

I liked it.

Look, I've let go of Season 1. That show does not exist anymore. So based on what we know and where we are now, I felt this episode moved some plots along. The music was good and these characters at least felt like people I know. The tone of this episode felt familiar in a way it hasn't in a while. Don't get me wrong, there were definite issues, but nothing I can't get pass.

Finn/Rachel: I can't get up in arms over that proposal because we all know there is next to no chance that they are actually getting married.

Will/Emma: Was it sappy? Yup, but it was still sweet and Jayma and Matt, brought it yet again. I don't think Will was wrong at all to be concerned about if Emma could handle marriage and to talk with her about it. I also thought Emma was right to tell Will he needed to be honest with her and himself so as not to string her a long. They were both in the right and I thought handled it like adults. I've dealt with depression in the past. I know not quite the same as OCD, but I would fully expect a discussion about that an its impact on my life and any relationship I'm in with a future significant other. I think that is why I teared up at Emma and Will's discsussion. What Emma said to Will about not being able to promise to be cured, but trying everyday to get better and how much she loves him. And Will's honesty with her about his concerns and how much he loves her. That conversation rang very true to me. So yeah, by the end when they got to the proposal I was all in.

Sam/Mercedes: Still loving it. Still cute. Still no cheating which is good. Let's just have a clean break with Shane and go from there.

Santana/Brittany: Did anyone else notice that whenever they had Santana and Brittany look at each other, that Santana was giving the longing, loving looks but Brittany just looked bored. The only time that wasn't true was during the locker room scene, during the song. The look they gave each other there was cute. But the rest, Brittany just looked blank.

I kind of have to think on this ep a little more, but all in all, it didn't suck.

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