Monday, November 28, 2011

Once Upon a Time (2011) -1×5- That Still Small Voice

Loved getting more story about Jimmy Cricket/Archie Hopper. The actor is one of those guys I've seen in a ton of guest spots on various shows, so it was great seeing him get a lot to do. Loved him taking on Regina at the end. And I feel like an idiot, but I was surprised by the the boy in fairy tale land being Geppetto, and it does make their relationship very interesting. Poor parents though. Speaking of parents, wow, were Jimmy's parents a piece of work.

I usually don't care about romantic pairings, but I've become invested in Mary/Snow and Charming. The actors are just great in these roles and have wonderful chemistry.

Regina confuses me. During the episode, there was several moments where it seem like she had geniune concern for Henry. I still think she's up to no good and doesn't "love" Henry as mothers usually do, but... I just don't know. I do think between Archie standing up to her and the Sheriff hiring Emma behind her back, she has to feel like her power isn't as strong as it use to be.

I see Rumpel has his hands in a lot of people's pockets. Wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being the character that has an association with every character on this show.

When Emma was all "I will go down the shaft.", I was like "Of course. They need some way to get Jennifer Morrison into a sleeveless shirt again." I think that's a requirement for each episode.

Looking forward to more Charming next week, but hope we get a Red Riding Hood episode soon. Ruby made the most of her background scenes in this episode and I'm looking forward to seeing what's her story.

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