Sunday, November 13, 2011

Grimm -1×3- Beeware

Eddie was great as always. When he made the comment how "this is the point in the movie where the back-up gets killed," I thought, "Eddie, you're the only character with a fanbase right now, don't worry."

Nick deserves to get stung for killing Major Kira!

I liked having a lot of supernatural elements in this episode with the melafors and hexenbiests, but I'm very worried that this show is already contradicting its own mythology.

Up until now, we were lead to believe that the monsters always look the same, whatever their natural look is, and human appearance is basically an illusion that only Grimm's can sometimes see past. But "mark appears both in human and monster forms" - the text Nick read from the Book about the Hexenbiest mark - is phrased in a way that indicates these are actual physical transformations. I'm going to, cautiously, assume that the writers just couldn't find a way to accurately phrase "they have a mark that can't even be hidden by their human illusion," and hope that they will establish a firm show canon soon.

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