Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Vampire Diaries Season 2 Ep 21 : The Sun Also Rises

Holy hot damn. That was quite an episode, it felt more like a season finale than the second to last episode. Gosh, where to even start? 

SO glad to see Greta killed in such a satisfying manner. She was an irredeemable bitch. First snacked on by Jenna, then neck snapped by Damon. She deserved it. And BONNIE!!! I loved how fierce she was! Keeping Jeremy and Alaric in the house was a smart move. Yea it sucked that she took their choice away from them, but I do totally believe they woulda just been in the way, Klaus could have used them against Elena. And when she was whipping up that storm to take Klaus down, I was cheering for her.  For you Bonnie, you go Bonnie!

SO GLAD HE'S NOT DEAD! So Klaus daggered the rest of the family and hid the bodies away, only to use that knowledge as a back up plan to keep Elijah from killing him. Wow. And thought I wish he would have just ripped out Klaus's heart, it's actually a better story this way IMO. So much more story to tell, so many more interactions for the future, and many added layers to both characters, but mostly for Elijah. He broke his word, and is blindly trusting that Klaus isn't lying about the family. 

So glad that Elena is still human! Hurray! And while it was sort of predictable that John was going to die to save her, it felt like a proper cliche. It would have bugged me if there was a happy ending for everybody, so I accept how this played out. And I almost cried when John died, all alone outside with no one paying attention, not even Jeremy who knew what he had done. 

Super sad about Jenna. I'm pretty much all sad faces over here. I thought the show would keep either her or John as parents, so I was shocked at how it went down. She did go out with a bang though, attacking Greta like that. Only wish she knew a good neck snapping technique to end that bitch sooner, but not bad for an hours-old vampire. 

Tyler and Caroline were awesome! Was it just me, or was he totally still naked and she curled up under the blanket with him. hmm... not that I wouldn't as well but it seemed a bit weird. lol 

Poor Matt. He's gotten so much flack for being one of the few humans who doesn't just roll with this vampire/supernatural business. I rather liked the fact that he'd rather have a normal life... as normal a life as an emancipated seventeen year old juggling both a job and school can have. Putting myself in his shoes throughout all this and not just looking through the lens of the mostly omniscient viewer, I can excuse a lot of his 'dickish' behavior.

I found this whole episode heartbreaking. What are Elena and Jeremy going to do now that they are orphaned? Maybe Alaric can take over? He is, in some respects, Elena's step parent.

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