Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Glee -3×3- Asian F

Wow. So much to unpack. First of all this is the first Glee in awhile that has lived up to the hype (at least for me). Now I wouldn't say" the best Glee ever", but it was really, really, really good. As in I can't wait to download the songs and I will actually re-watch this episode. Considering how things were going that is a win in my book.

The Mercedes Plot: I was one of the ones who wanted Mercedes to have more story. I guess one should be careful what they wish for with this show. While I think Amber did some of her better acting, I HATE they way they are writing her. HATE it. The whole lazy, doesn't want to work thing is coming dangerously close to the black, overweight, diva stereotype. I actually don't think the writers MEAN to play on that (am I giving them too much credit?), but it is just coming off that way. Especially when she has to go up against the thin pretty, white girl who is not only talented but a hardworker and just so obviously deserves to win, every single time. Again, I don't think that is what the show is trying to say, but I don't know. I can't explain it clearly. It just rubs me the wrong way.

Mike Chang: What can I say. It got a little dusty in my room during his scenes and something always seemed to be in my eye. (Ha!) Cool as I expected was all about the dance and it was fab! I thought the mom was a nice twist with her actually being on his side. Did not see that coming. Also thought we got some good acting from Jenna. Just really moving stuff all around.

Will and Emma: So I am officially in love with them. I just, at the end, when they were down on their knees praying, I lost it. Meeting her parents and seeing little Emma were the perfect touches. Reminded me yet again that Jayma Mays and Matthew Morrison are two of the best actors on this show. When they are given material to work with, they run with it. I loved it. Not a false note.

Brittany's flash mob was awesome. I noticed Quinn dancing in there, and thought she did a great job. I've never noticed her dancing that much. It goes without saying that Brittany and Santana danced awesomely and brought the sexy.

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