Friday, September 30, 2011
The Secret Circle -1×3- Loner
Great episode. These kids are actually acting like teenagers which I loves.
Anyway, loled at Dawn saying they can't kill EVERYBODY. Next week looks interesting. Diana is so going dark side when Adam dumps her and than Faye will have to bring her back.
Ok still loving Faye. Phoebe is really bringing it. Loved that she lashed out at Melissa only because she doesn't like being alone, then she defended her when Nick made her cry, then she looked envious sad (that she was losing Melissa) when Nick took her advice and was nicer to Melissa. Actually loved Melissa and Nicks interactions the whole episode. Only because it was actually quite realistic for once.
For a brief second I thought Charles was a goner than I was like naw still more exposition and plotting he needs to do.
Actually almost the whole episode was stellar. Keep it up Secret Circle.
Some of things I can't help laughing at like poor Adam always giving out coffee at the Boathouse or how 90's Nick is or how they dress Faye but, whatever. Those things just add to my enjoyment.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
The Vampire Diaries Season 3 : Ep 3 The End of the Affair
I thought this episode was fantastic, I loved learning more of Stefan's backstory and I'm intrigued to find out more about the power of Elena's necklace. I think it's good Elena has some semblance of closure for the time being so she can stop being completely obsessive about finding Stefan. I thought the fact that Stefan knew Klaus before and had a fling with his "original" sister but was compelled to forget was a great twist.
I liked the new characters they introduced tonight! Rebekah and Gloria were pretty badass. Klaus even seemed to have a tiny iota of respect for Gloria, when she lit his stake on fire (damn, that sounds dirty!) Either that or, he just needs her alive for the moment. But he didn't even threaten her or anything. I have been going with a working hypothesis that the witches all originated in some way in Africa, maybe they all came out of a specific tribe so they don't have to be all related per se. We don't really know the true origins of any of these witches/vampires/werewolves so there is a lot for the show to explore. Plus, I'm sure the actors enjoy the work and the witch tonight was cool.
Candice was wonderful in this episode. When Caroline burst into tears saying "my dad hates me" I was almost crying myself. Awesome work, just pitch perfect. God, I love her and Tyler together so much.
It's interesting that witches can apparently use the magic to prolong their lifespan. Very interesting.
Every time I heard Lexi's name this episode, I got sad about her demise all over again. It would be awesome if they found some way to bring her back. I'd even be okay with it not completely making sense.
Seeing Katherine was a true and pleasant surprise, It makes total sense that she's in Chicago and is keeping tabs on Stefan.
Can't week for next week and Bonnie !!!!!!!!!!!!
Revenge -1×2- Trust
Well it is only the second episode so of course I think there is a plan for the town family. I actually like them minus the dad who can just go away. Wasn't that Jack's brother at the party in the pilot and he and Charlotte do become a couple.
I like Nolan but am not ready to believe he has no ulterior motives. Something is going on with him because the whole thing with Jack feels fishy. Why bring him to the party and pay him to be his friend. I find that very intriguing and he's not doing it for Amanda's best interest. I believe this has something to do with her. What, I don't know.
I don't get a sanctimonious we're so much better vibe from the family. They seem to get along with everyone. I don't know if I'd run and jump into the arms of the rich person who wanted to adopt me for some unknown reason. It's weird. And he's a little weird. Perfectly understandable. But I also think Jack and Nolan will becomes friends. That's what I'm hoping for anyway. The ones playing to the stereotypes are the rich guys. What creeps.
For someone we just met I got a lot of pleasure out of diceman's comeuppance.
I pretty much like everyone and can't wait to see how it all develops.
Modern Family Season 3 Ep 3 : Phil On Wire
I loved the episode. Loved every storyline. Gloria taking on the dog qualities -- funny. Haven't we all adored the dog AND gotten fed up with the dog?? Mitchell's description and Cam's acting out of the diet stages cracked me up. Hilarious. The way they breezed through each stage briefly was a hoot. Claire with the carpool cop was right on point -- that's how those carpool cops are!!! Loved Claire telling her off -- we've all wanted to say those very things. And then Phil and junk food junkie Luke were great together as ever. Yay Phil at the end with his goofy high-wire -- he's the Super Dunphy in my book too. Enjoyed and smiled and laughed out loud.
I loved the episode. Loved every storyline. Gloria taking on the dog qualities -- funny. Haven't we all adored the dog AND gotten fed up with the dog?? Mitchell's description and Cam's acting out of the diet stages cracked me up. Hilarious. The way they breezed through each stage briefly was a hoot. Claire with the carpool cop was right on point -- that's how those carpool cops are!!! Loved Claire telling her off -- we've all wanted to say those very things. And then Phil and junk food junkie Luke were great together as ever. Yay Phil at the end with his goofy high-wire -- he's the Super Dunphy in my book too. Enjoyed and smiled and laughed out loud.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Ringer -1×3- If You Ever Want A French Lesson
The noir element stepped up in this third episode, and I think that money is at the root of the elaborate scheme of Siobhan's. Who is in with her is difficult to ascertain. I hope it's Olivia!
I feel bad for Malcom, especially after getting clean; but I really think this storyline could be dropped and I wouldn't miss it. I could actually do without the entire FBI/murder trial storyline as well. I think every time the show goes to these scenes, it pulls away from the atmosphere of the show.
I am curious about the pre-nup agreement; it was clear that Siobhan was looking at options. But it wasn't clear, IMO, who came into the marriage with money. Was she trying to keep Andrew from getting more money or trying to amend it in her favor?? I know they mentioned the property, but I don't see why that would need to be amended in a pre-nup agreement, especially if it was property acquired after the marriage (which is what it seemed like). But I also think that it's possible that Siobhan/Bridget actually come from money of some kind as well. I'm just not entirely sold on them coming from a disadvantaged background.
I'm totally shipping Bridget and Andrew; SMG and IG have great chemistry! I think it's definitely being set up for Bridget falling in love with him only to have him find out she's not Siobhan. I think that she will probably be pregnant by that point. Or maybe Siobhan will end up having a miscarriage and Bridget will give her the baby (or she'll steal it) to make amends for whatever happened to Sean; making the ultimate sacrifice for her sister and the man she loves. Of course the loss of child and said love would cause her to relapse. This could get very soapy (and I've clearly given this too much thought) LOL.
Considering the ratings for this are better than everything else on CW, save for TVD and possibly TSC, I'm hoping it'll at least last the season.
New Girl -1×2- Kryptonite
I liked this much better than the pilot. I miss Coach but TPTB had to do something, so I'm willing to give Winston a little leeway since he didn't really make much of an impression on me this episode. Zooey D. doesn't bother me, but I think once they hit their groove her uber-quirkiness, which I can definitely see getting on people's nerves, might get toned down somewhat.
90210 Season 4 Ep 3 : Greek Tragedy
What in the name of God was that? This has gone from a silly guilty pleasure to a bad sci-fi/fantasy joke. I can live with all the romantic fluctuations of teens but geeze, Naomi buys a sorority in one day? Navid doesn't report his uncle for doing illegal business on his property? I'm certain Navid's parents would have paid the fake blackmail and shipped Sissy home long ago. Brilliant Silver is happy to be a secretary?
The only things that were believable or interesting at all were poor Ivy and Raj, possibly Liam's confusion and mess, Navid fucking over Dixon. However, I just cringed when Dixon was hollering about make or break his career. What career? You are 2 months out of high school. I guess now Ade is an angel of mercy but at least they are trying to redeem her so that has a bit of continuity, unlike when Annie killed the guy and moped about staying at home for a week. I was so hoping the new writers would make this more like a teen soapy drama and it's a mix of every single dumb thing on TV. And who didn't see the Annie thing coming although I figured the girl was a hooker, not a mere escort. Yep, big time handsome guys want dates with people like Annie and pay for them.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Glee Season 3 Ep 2 : I Am Unicorn
Okay. I was kind of bored by this episode.
Hated, absolutely hated the Kurt stuff. They need to cut out the 'woe is me' bullshit with Kurt. You want to be an actor, act the part. That is it. Plenty of gay guys play straight. Also, I got tired of the whole he is so unique stuff when just last episode they made a big deal out of how he isn't with all those Kurt look-a-likes.
Brittany, sigh. I was actually disappointed that they didn't follow through enough with her stuff about not feeling smart enough. It would've made me feel for her more and think of her more as a real character. But they didn't go there enough. And I just can't with the childishness, specially that kiddy music they put in the background for her during most of the episode.
I thought the Shelby/Puck/Quinn stuff was good for the most part. I loved the Shelby/Quinn interactions, i loved the Puck/Shelby/Beth interactions. I thought it was heartfelt and the writing and the acting was spot on (although it was kind of messed up of Shelby to just drop in and deciding that Quinn and Puck should be part of Beth's life). I was even really touched when Quinn saw the photo of Beth (yay for good acting, Dianna!). And then the last scene happened and I facepalmed. Sigh again. Quinn gets a lot of hate for being a terrible person, but all I ever see is her pain, I always have, it's why I've always had a soft spot for her, but this story will very probably go very bad very quickly. And goddamn it at the guys being the good ones and the girls being the psychos, goddamn it!
As for Will calling Quinn out on her shit...that was so wrong. That had to happen, but it should've come from one of the kids.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Gossip Girl Season 5 Ep 1 Yes, Then Zero
The premiere was a bit too disjointed for my taste with the LA/NYC back and forth, but I didn't completely hate it? Surprisingly, I really enjoyed Serena and I haven't cared about her in a long time. Blake was pretty good too, I thought. She really fits right in in LA. Also, loved seeing Michael Michelle as her boss. She's still such a gorgeous lady .
Liked Liz Hurley and Ivy. I'm definitely intrigued.
Louis is nice, he's charming, he's caring, but he is boring. I think Hugo is adorable, but I really don't care about the fairytale/royal wedding story and I can't wait for it to be over. There's just nothing for me there.
Chuck. He made me laugh. The stunts, the new cool attitude, the "I feel no pain". I don't know if that was him growing up or just self-destructing...yet again, but at this point, the only one I know who gives a damn is my FF button.
Nate was nice to look at, as usual. He didn't do much, but I enjoyed his scenes with Serena and Liz Hurley.
Ethan Peck! That voice, damn. His character was a grade a douche, but I kind of got where he was coming from, trying to make ends meet and all. But still, douche.
Saved the best for last, of course! Dan and Blair! There is just something about these two. I enjoy them so much. Dan is in love with her. Aww. Since the show loves to parallel the premiere with the season finale, I bet he'll be able to tell her how he feels by then and they'll run away for real this time. The fact that she went to Dan and wanted to leave with heart, my soul. I don't even care that she's pregnant. We all knew that, so that wasn't a shock (you didn't fool anyone there, writers). Besides, it's not like she'll have the baby, so no worries there.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Desperate Housewives Season 8 Ep 1: Secrets That I Never Want To Know
We've had the jumping in the pool and the letter from the pilot. Please don't let Carlos kill himself like Mary Alice did. I also don't want Chuck to be dumbed down to make this story work. I liked it when Gaby pointed out that her aunt could've been married.
Susan may be super sensitive, but are we supposed to forget that she killed a woman and child and let Mike take the blame? They missed a big opportunity for her to bring that up to the other women when she was talking about her marital problems since it ruined her first marriage to Mike.
Loved it when Tom refused to let Lynette use him like that and decided to finally tell the kids.
I have zero interest in Ben or Ben/Renee.
Loved the final Gablos scene. So well done. I missed Fr. Crowley though.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
It's Always Sunny Season 7 Ep 2: The Gang Visits The Jersey Shore
Oh my dear heaven, this episode was awesome!!! I laughed my arse off at their discovery under the boardwalk (I was totally not expecting that!), Dee and Dennis in slow-mo, and the Vacation montage. I was convinced that Charlie was having a suntan-lotion induced hallucination but disocvering she was on X (I should have seen the signs!) was even better!
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Ep 1 : I'm Leslie Knope
Great ep. The opening with Ron escaping was fantastic. Jamming the footrest into the wall, then getting his emergency pack out of the vent. I need to go back and freezeframe to see what he's got all taped together. Also love his quick-growing beard. So, how many toes does Ron have?
I kept thinking that April looked so odd with the coffee cup, then it dawned on me that she was doing a Ron impression.
All summer I was wondering how they were going to handle the Leslie-Ben relationship. They handled it perfectly. Their breakup was simultaneously sad, sweet, and funny.
Chris's hair bothered me. I didn't know it was for a role Lowe was doing, but I wish someone on the show had mentioned it. Pretty glaring.
I wasn't quite sure about the penis picture plotline, but there were some funny bits in it. My favorite was when Ann was sitting at her desk when Leslie came in to talk, and her phone kept alerting her to new messages.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Community Season 3 Ep 1: Biology 101
Loved that the show is back, and I really liked the premiere. Thought John Goodman was hilarious. So was Jeff on monkey gas, and the 2001 Space Odyssey study room. Weird that Jeff was daydreaming in musical form, but liked the line about Jeff/Annie sleeping together (definitely made me laugh out loud). Nice to see Pierce back in the study group, and stepping off to take the heat off Jeff.
Cougar Town references were funny. Britta as a therapist will be fucking hilarious. Thought something was off about Abed's reactions (maybe just Danny Pudi can't do crazy breakdown as well as Donald Glover).
The best part of the episode was Dean Pelton getting that disgusting beard/mustache shaved off. Thank god.
The Secret Circle Season 1 Ep 2 Bound
While I definitely see the benefit of controlling their magic, the whole 'you can't do magic without someone else' thing from the preview sounds really stupid and dangerous.
I continue to like Faye and find Cassie a pain. I liked Diana more this episode with her moment with Adam. I hope they have more couply moments since we are supposed to believe they are in a committed relationship. I might actually ship them. I'm glad Diana found out about Cassie.
I like that Faye isn't all bad and that Dawn used some of their precious powers to help Faye when it came to bringing Sally back to life. We didn't get an answer on whether Charles would have done the same for Diana, though.
I really like Ethan, alcoholic and kind of creepy though he may be. When he started talking to Cassie about how super-attracted he was to her is that in any way appropriate? Honestly, why do I like him? And she thinks it's sweet. At least he was proactive and didn't just accept being threatened even though that did end tragically.
The added backstory about the powers being stripped was interesting. Is Cassie's grandmother part of the older Circle? If so, why didn't Ethan turn to her? Well, besides Cassie needing someone to stay with.
The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Ep 2 : The Hybrid
Ha! "Hello Caroline."
".... Daddy?"
Jack Coleman! Damn, when he entered the room with Caroline and she said "Dad?" I literally gasped. Casting him as Caroline's gay vampire-hunting daddy? Best. Casting. Ever.
It seems that Klaus' experiment on turning a pack of werewolves into vampires is a resounding failure! As soon as he was muttering about what he'd done wrong and mentioned that yeah, the doppelganger is dead; why did it not work? Stefan looked like he was trying his darndest not to look surprised; not to look like he knows something, in order to protect Elena! I think Stefan is going to do his best to watch over Klaus and to distract him so he won't go back to town to look for Elena.
I thought the most interesting line was when Klaus said he did everything he was told. Who told him? I know that the witches must have told him the curse was bound by the doppleganger but who told him he could make hybrids?
Yay! Alaric is back in the Gilbert house. I loved that conversation between him and Elena in the car. He isn't a lost cause, just in need of some good bromance time.
LOVED the little mythology moment of Tyler having supernatural tastebuds. I can't imagine it'll ever serve him any sort of benefit in the future, at least until the kids hit their mid 20s and start getting into actual wine rather than wine coolers. And who knew the kid liked coffee so much?
I love me some Lockwoods, so I was happy that Carol came around so quickly and stayed the whole time when Tyler woke up. Granted Ty & his mom have always struck me as close (or at least with the healthiest parent/child relationship in MF) but now? Aww.
Not sure why Bonnie is AWOL but let's get her back into the mix please.
Finally, Elena and Alaric have got to stop having so much chemistry together.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Revenge Season 1 Ep 1 Pilot
I liked it. Good soapy fun, I thought. I'm a sucker for revenge storylines, and I like that Emily/Amanda is so hell-bent on it. I'm sure she'll have her moments where she'll question herself, but I'm totally down with her destroying lives in a ruthless manner. I also already have a lot of questions, which bodes well, I think.
The best thing the show has going for it is that it's got strong protagonist and a strong antagonist. You really want to follow Emily VanCamp doing these sneaky things with that facade Wow, I didn't know Madeline Stowe could be that chilling. When she found out that her husband was at the inn having an affair and then later that it was her best friend. Yikes. She looks amazing though. Barely different from Last of the Mohicans!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Modern Family Season 3 Ep 1 & 2 Dude Ranch & When Good Kids Go Bad
Lots of fun stuff with Claire in both episodes, between the unintentional Mrs. Robinson moment and her fanatical obsession with proving she was right (the bit with Mitchell was my favourite).
I liked that it was Mitchell who was insecure about being sufficiently manly for a son. It makes sense for his backstory, but a lot of shows wouldn't get that subtlety.
Replacing Lily was the right thing to do. I loved hearing her talking and giggling and interacting! Not just sitting there motionlessly like a prop. "Killing the baby." Oh my god! Although yeah it was a little jarring to have her go from saying nothing ever to speaking in full sentences. I also like how they managed to fit in the fact that Lily was now older. The "This many is three, that's four." exchange between Claire and Lily was pretty funny.
"A childhood without tumbling!? You knew this and stood by and did nothing!" Oh Phil XD
Loved Cam's musical choices. Jay's "What the hell is going on?" just as Phil asks, "Is that from Footloose?" made me crack up.
Ringer Season 1 Ep 2: She's Ruining Everything
I liked this episode. Like the little flashback. SMG did a good job conveying the twins in that scene. Prob cause Shiv was a fairly normal fed up sister at that point and not a cunning yet petulant rich girl.
I thought Juliet was going to be throwing up blood and B was going to have to call 911 and be forced to be late. But, it was just that B wanted to be wanted. That's pretty dang sad.
It seems pretty confirmed that Shiv put out a hit on herself and she may be planning to frame Andrew for it (since he is seemingly having money troubles). Whatever happened to Sean and whatever happened with Andrew must have been pretty bad if Shiv went from normal woman to faking her death, putting a hit on her sister, and trying to frame her husband for killing "her". Maybe Shiv had a stroke. Anyway, I'm sure we will learn soon enough.
B has to find out S is alive before the end of the season.
New Girl Season 1 Ep 1 : Pilot
Most of the critics say that the key to this show is in the viewer's position on Zooey's character. Either fall in love with her, or find her annoying as hell.
Currently, I'm in the latter category.
Overall, it was decent. The funny moments all belonged to the guys. I pretty much like all three guys, but Zooey's character left me wanting. Maybe she'll grow on me. They need to turn down the awkwardness of her character about 10 notches. It's over the top, and makes the difference between lovable and annoying. Also, can't imagine anyone as socially inept as Zoey's character being able to make friends with the guys so soon.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
90210 Season 4 Ep 2 : Rush Hour
Naomi's storyline was completely predictable, yet I still think AM is fun to watch in spite of whatever ridiculousness they throw at her. The reason she didn't get in was particularly stupid, but it didn't take a genius to see she was getting played.
And sorry, Ade, but you are a horrible person who needs to move on with her life. It's not like you switched out Silver's Diet Coke with regular Coke. You freaking switched out her medication with placebos and sent her into a manic spiral. That's not forgivable.
Also Navid, you know the easiest way to get your sister away from her sleazebag boyfriend? Send her to Switzerland and let her be her mother's problem, rather than having her live on the floor of a garage apartment, because I'm not sure, why we the audience should care. The same goes for Dixon's soon to be downward spiral into Ritalin-addiction, because you just know that is where this is all heading, and that is me saying that spoiler free.
Glee Season 3 Ep 1 : The Purple Piano Project
Rachel/Kurt - very well-done, though their duet was a little gratuitous.
Finn - voiceover was okay at establishing what will presumably be his theme this season. Nothing offensive, which is a big step up from last year.
Santana - okay, the plot didn't demonize her, which was my major concern when I first heard about it, but that was pretty tepid stuff. I'm not even clear how she arranged that, particularly Quinn's participation.
Will/Emma - confirms that the show wasted a season and a half by not just letting them move forward with their relationship. I liked their scenes this episode.
Sue - still doing her tired villain schtick, but less stupid than last year.
Quinn - uuuhhhhh... I liked the unexpected scene with Santana and Brittany; maybe the writers actually are going to keep them as friends?
Everyone else - cute in the background.
New girl Sugar - funny enough.
Musical numbers: pretty good across the board, though, as I said, Rachel and Kurt's number was just kind of there, though I can see the contrast they were going for.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
The 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards Winners List
Lead Actress In A Comedy Series | Melissa McCarthy, Mike & Molly
Lead Actor In A Comedy Series | Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory
Supporting Actress In A Comedy Series | Julie Bowen, Modern Family
Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series | Ty Burrell, Modern Family (Read our pre-Emmys Q&A)
Writing in a Comedy Series | Modern Family
Directing in a Comedy Series | Modern Family
Outstanding Comedy Series | Modern Family
Guest Actress In A Comedy Series | Gwyneth Paltrow, Glee
Guest Actor In A Comedy Series | Justin Timberlake, Saturday Night Live
Casting For A Comedy Series | Glee (Fox)
Lead Actress In A Drama Series | Julianna Margulies, The Good Wife
Lead Actor In A Drama Series | Kyle Chandler, Friday Night Lights ( Kyle Freakin Chandler Won !!!)
Supporting Actress In A Drama Series | Margo Martindale, Justified
Supporting Actor In A Drama Series | Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones
Writing in a Drama Series | Friday Night Lights
Directing in a Drama Series | Boardwalk Empire
Guest Actress In A Drama Series | Loretta Devine, Grey’s Anatomy
Guest Actor In A Drama Series | Paul McCrane, Harry’s Law
Casting in a Drama Series | Boardwalk Empire (HBO)
Outstanding Drama Series | Mad Men
Reality Or Variety
Writing in a Variety, Music Or Comedy Series | The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Directing in a Variety, Music Or Comedy Series | Saturday Night Live
Outstanding Variety, Music Or Comedy Series |The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Outstanding Reality – Competition Program | The Amazing Race
Reality Host | Jeff Probst, Survivor (announced at Sept. 10 Creative Arts Emmys)
Movie Or Miniseries
ead Actress In A Miniseries Or A Movie | Kate Winslet, Mildred Pierce (She now just needs a Tony for the EGOT)
Lead Actor In A Miniseries Or A Movie | Barry Pepper, The Kennedys
Supporting Actor In A Miniseries Or A Movie | Guy Pearce, Mildred Pierce
Supporting Actress In A Miniseries Or A Movie | Maggie Smith, Downton Abbey
Writing in a Miniseries or Movie | Downton Abbey
Directing in a Miniseries or Movie | Downton Abbey
Outstanding Miniseries or Movie | Downton Abbey
Friday, September 16, 2011
It's Always Sunny Season 7 Ep 1: Frank's Pretty Woman
That was too funny. There have been many hilarious moments on this show, but Charlie puking out fake blood from swallowing too many capsules was ridiculously funny. I almost cried.
Also seeing Elvin (from Cosby) as not Tiger Woods was a surprise and a riot(I am kinda hoping Elvin's celebrity impersonations becomes a running gag).
The crack obsession with Dennis and Dee is a great callback. Fat Mac started a bit slow but got a lot better later on. I can't imagine how shooting himself up with insulin in between taking bites of chimichangas (sp?) will work out.
Love, love, love this show. 7 seasons strong and it keeps getting better.
The Secret Circle Season 1 Ep 1 : Pilot
I liked it, but it was very pilot-y. Some nice setups, like Gale Harold's character's legitimacy as main bad-guy being established in the mom's murder at the beginning. Didn't get to know most of the kids yet but hopefully soon, which is better than trying to establish everyone plus the new town in one 45 minute pilot.
I am not understanding the previous circle bits. They are descended from witches, fine. It takes 6 to make a circle, and the current 6 all had parents who were in the circle. It is clear that Cassie's mom, Faye's mom, Diana's dad and Adam's (?) father (drunk guy) were all in the circle. Something bad happened and they all lost a parent. So, we know that most of the previous circle didn't die. Did their spell go wrong and kill off their spouses or something? Also, are the other parents also magical?
I actually like that they can do things without needing a spell. We saw instances where they were able to do things without speaking, so it's more of a force of will than anything. I think speaking out loud is probably more for the viewers so they can know what the person wants to do. I always thought that having to recite a spell would be a big time waster when you're in a dangerous situation.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Ep 1 The Birthday
First, I just have to say I am so so so glad this show is BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Paul Wesley is scary good as an unhinged Stefan and I admit I was a little teary eyed when he was listening to Elena tell him she loved him. I never thought much of Wesley as an actor but he nailed being both cold and desperately lonely. Damn him for killing Andie like that though.
Caroline/ still my heart. I loved how he had her number all episode long. He's grown so much since season one: patient and kind, but very clear in his feelings and motivations. When did Tyler become the best communicator on the show?
So Klaus is looking to make more of himself? Interesting, at the end of last season when he had bitten Katherine and gave her his blood to cure her, my first thought was that she was going to be like him. But then I quickly dismissed that idea, particularly since Damon was cured by his blood also.
I never entertained the idea he could only turn werewolves. But it makes sense, because I guess for one thing, in the Vampire Diaries universe, you can't become a werewolf from a scratch or bite, its genetic. (Which I guess holds true for the True Blood universe and possibly Twilight? I don't know anything about that series. Which I kinda find interesting, that current vamp/were fiction has one unable to "catch" lycanthropy, whereas 10 years ago on things like Buffy and Underworld, you could. But I digress.) Also, I guess since vamps are undead, they wouldn't be able to be turned anyways, whereas werewolves, still being living creatures, could.
Poor Alaric. He's been spiraling all summer it seems like and I think right now he thinks that he's a bad influence. Hopefully he'll come around because those kids need him. But he and Elena need to stop having inappropriate chemistry (am I the only one?)
Loved Damon's confrontation with Elena. She's a tried and true teenager without a lick of foresight or understanding of consequences, and she needed to hear what he had to say. I especially liked his last line, that Real!Stefan might come back but not in her life time. What a crushing, but necessary blow, but does open up a new obstacle in her love for Stefan. How long can she really wait for him as is? Will she turn in hopes he might come back somewhere down the line? I wouldn't mind revisiting her feelings on turning. It was one of the best written plots last season.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Ringer Season 1 Ep 1: Pilot
I am totally in. SMG's wardrobe is gorgeous, and I like the character of Bridget a lot. And I think Siobhan is one evil bitch what with the cheating on the hubby with her bff's hubby and smoking while pregnant. So watching SMG being an evil bitch will make it even more fun to watch.
The clue of the photograph of Siobhan with the child seem to point that Bridget/Siobhan's estrangement comes from the death of that child - if Bridget is somehow responsible, that would definitely be enough to lead to a years-long estrangement of siblings, as well as Siobhan basically pretending her sister does not exist. It would also be enough to lead Bridget into enough self-hatred to turn to stripping/drug abuse/etc.
Anyone else want to see Bridgett turn Siobahn's marriage into a real one?? I don't know why I like those two together so much. Even though I know there's something going on between her and her sponsor I really want her and the husband to be good.... I think they'd be great together!!!
The question I was left with is, is Gemma involved with Siobhan's plot? She's the one who called Bridgett and told her to meet at the loft where Bridgett was attacked. So, bad timing on Gemma's part? Or part of the whole plot?
Unpredictable and fun. I am so in!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
90210 Season 4 Ep 1 : Up In Smoke
Am I the only one who saw some kind of awkward sexual chemistry between Dixon and Quickdraw McGraw when they were having their stare off over who would get the apartment? He seems about as well developed a character as Ivy was in the beginning.
I did like the scenes with Adrianna and Silver (and Silver has decent hair again!). It is the one storyline where I honestly have no idea how it could work out, and both actresses seem to be bringing their A game.
Teddy also got a point for going the drama queen route in telling his dad he was gay by leaving a message on his phone. I smiled at that.
There are some quasi-unresolved issues with Naomi & Max which keep me intrigued.
Naomi-Austin COULD be an interesting dynamic and the guy is scorching hot.
I'm already bored by the Navid-Silver dynamic with his sister. They have enough drama going on with Ade (who I'll get to in a minute), why include her in the mess?
My biggest WTF is the whole Annie-Liam box of FAIL. Fetch isn't going to happen, so let's drop this story line. I wonder if Annie is going to be a foreign exchange student in France with Naomi in the near future ...
Ivy-Raj was pretty cute. Such a blah storyline though. Same for Dixon. Such a blah storyline.
Ade ... Foolish, foolish Ade. Why are her and Navid Jr. BFF's? She seems really disconnected from the story line and I wonder why she's still on the show. I like the actress, but I don't see how she can ever become close with the group again.
I think that there is some potential for the season.
Monday, September 12, 2011
True Blood -4×12- And When I Die
Holy hell - Tara just got Jossed. That's some shit. I knew something ominous was gonna happen to her when she and Sookie were talking about being old and sitting on the porch together and the camera lingered just a beat too long on her face, but damn. Wasn't expecting that at all. I know some of my co-workers will be rejoicing over this development, but I'm hella bummed. She brought out great stuff in numerous characters (Lafayette, Sam) and she even made scenes with Sookie tolerable. Now she's gone. *sigh* And no Tam ever. *sob* Damn you, Alan Ball.
Jesus getting killed also broke my heart. I loved him and Lafayette together, but I can't help but think if he didn't drag Lafayette into this whole Wicca thing to begin with, a lot of this shit (esp. Laf discovering his mediumness and the Marnie possession) never would've happened. Damn.
Yay for Debbie being killed and Sookie finally doing something to stand up for Tara! Too bad it happened a bit too late.
And double yay for Russell-Muthafuckin'-Edgington getting loose! Denis O'Hare was the only thing that made last season tolerable so I'm glad he's coming back.
The rest of this episode was a bore. Seriously, the last five minutes was all I really needed to see. Damn, Lafayette's gonna lose it when he finds out Tara's gone. I get why the writers went there - her death is gonna affect Laf, Sookie, Holly, Sam, Arlene, Jason...okay, pretty much everybody on the show without really changing the dynamic of the series too much. Let's be real here - Tara hasn't had a decent storyline since...well, forever. And with all these newbie characters coming in, the cast is too bloated and some people had to go. I just wish it had been Alcide or Arlene or Andy. Seriously. These people's storylines drag down every episode they're featured in. I could do without seeing them for a season or two.
But Muthafuckin' Russell Edgington, y'all! Can't wait to see that. Hopefully, next season will be better than this boring mess of a season.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Thundercats (2011) -1×8- The Duelist & The Drifter
Quite liked the episode but didn't love it. Things I particularly liked about it include the Drifter. Not only was he pretty badass, but I also loved that he literally drifted from place to place and had to walk by the end because the swords weighed him down. Quite a nice metaphor there, guys.
On the other hand, I was really not sure WHY Lion-O thought any of his actions were a good idea. Or indeed, why the episode chose to put only him and Snarf in the town. The Kittens particularly would've fitted into a nice sub-plot here (along the lines of them and the cook on the ship). Still, I'm probably more impressed and pleased with the quality and writing of this show than a lot of live-action shows aimed at adults.
Monday, September 5, 2011
True Blood -4×11- Soul of Fire
I actually thought this was a much better, stronger episode than some of the most recent ones. I actually really enjoyed it.
What did I like the most?
1. BAMF Eric. The growling, the black clothes, the willingness to die for Sookie (even though she certainly doesn't deserve it IMO). He's just willing to die for the woman he loves, whether she deserves it or not.
2. Jason's sticking up for his sister. Yes, he's a dumbass most of the time but his heart's in the right place and he's certainly showed a level of maturity this season we haven't seen in, like, ever.
3. Pam's calling Sookie Bo Peep. AH!
4. Alcide abjuring (is that the right word?) Debbie. It's about freakin' time people.
My fav part?? Andy. I never thought I'd say he'd be my favorite, ever, but he was. So willing to tell that fairy whatever she wanted to hear so he'd get laid. That's so Andy. He actually made me giggle.
1. Eric and Pam. You do NOT pick Sookie over Pam, Eric. You just don't do it. While, damn it, your anger was some of the sexiest anger I have ever seen (but, then, there's very little about Eric that ISN'T sexy), you don't choose your lover over your vamp child, especially with your bond.
2. Pam for being such an idiot. You also DON'T shoot an obviously impregnantable forcefield with a rocket launcher. That was stupid.
3. Please, PLEASE let this epi be the end of the (majority) of the shifter/were crap. I'm tired of it. Except somebody PLEASE kill Debbie. I really don't care who just do it.
4. I'm still not feeling the Jessica/Jason relationship. It's like watching two immature children playing tag. Stop it already. Just do something will you?
This should be interesting with Marnie back. Poor LaLa.
But not that the fairies are back I wonder what kind of trouble they'll stir.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Thundercats (2011) -1×7- Legacy
I was expecting a nod to the Silverhawks, but they went one step further and mentioned TIGERSHARKS! That means that the TIGERSHARKS live on 3rd Earth! :)
I'm really liking this take on the mythology, and the quest structure they're setting up for the season (find the stones, unite the animals, defeat Mumm-ra). This ep answered many questions but raised lots of new ones. I'm sure what happened to splinter all the animal factions will be revealed once Lion-O starts meeting more of the other races. How did the Berbils get screwed over?!
It's shaping up to be much more satisfying than the original series' first season, which was all standalone episodes that didn't go anywhere.
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