Monday, September 5, 2011

True Blood -4×11- Soul of Fire

I actually thought this was a much better, stronger episode than some of the most recent ones. I actually really enjoyed it.

What did I like the most?

1. BAMF Eric. The growling, the black clothes, the willingness to die for Sookie (even though she certainly doesn't deserve it IMO). He's just willing to die for the woman he loves, whether she deserves it or not.
2. Jason's sticking up for his sister. Yes, he's a dumbass most of the time but his heart's in the right place and he's certainly showed a level of maturity this season we haven't seen in, like, ever.
3. Pam's calling Sookie Bo Peep. AH!
4. Alcide abjuring (is that the right word?) Debbie. It's about freakin' time people.

My fav part?? Andy. I never thought I'd say he'd be my favorite, ever, but he was. So willing to tell that fairy whatever she wanted to hear so he'd get laid. That's so Andy. He actually made me giggle.


1. Eric and Pam. You do NOT pick Sookie over Pam, Eric. You just don't do it. While, damn it, your anger was some of the sexiest anger I have ever seen (but, then, there's very little about Eric that ISN'T sexy), you don't choose your lover over your vamp child, especially with your bond.
2. Pam for being such an idiot. You also DON'T shoot an obviously impregnantable forcefield with a rocket launcher. That was stupid.
3. Please, PLEASE let this epi be the end of the (majority) of the shifter/were crap. I'm tired of it. Except somebody PLEASE kill Debbie. I really don't care who just do it.
4. I'm still not feeling the Jessica/Jason relationship. It's like watching two immature children playing tag. Stop it already. Just do something will you?

This should be interesting with Marnie back. Poor LaLa.

But not that the fairies are back I wonder what kind of trouble they'll stir.

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