Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Glee Season 3 Ep 2 : I Am Unicorn

Okay. I was kind of bored by this episode.

Hated, absolutely hated the Kurt stuff. They need to cut out the 'woe is me' bullshit with Kurt. You want to be an actor, act the part. That is it. Plenty of gay guys play straight. Also, I got tired of the whole he is so unique stuff when just last episode they made a big deal out of how he isn't with all those Kurt look-a-likes.

Brittany, sigh. I was actually disappointed that they didn't follow through enough with her stuff about not feeling smart enough. It would've made me feel for her more and think of her more as a real character. But they didn't go there enough. And I just can't with the childishness, specially that kiddy music they put in the background for her during most of the episode.

I thought the Shelby/Puck/Quinn stuff was good for the most part. I loved the Shelby/Quinn interactions, i loved the Puck/Shelby/Beth interactions. I thought it was heartfelt and the writing and the acting was spot on (although it was kind of messed up of Shelby to just drop in and deciding that Quinn and Puck should be part of Beth's life). I was even really touched when Quinn saw the photo of Beth (yay for good acting, Dianna!). And then the last scene happened and I facepalmed. Sigh again. Quinn gets a lot of hate for being a terrible person, but all I ever see is her pain, I always have, it's why I've always had a soft spot for her, but this story will very probably go very bad very quickly. And goddamn it at the guys being the good ones and the girls being the psychos, goddamn it!

As for Will calling Quinn out on her shit...that was so wrong. That had to happen, but it should've come from one of the kids.

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