Say what you will about Tom Cruise, but the boy can act. What? He's crazy because he believes in a religion that most don't follow, and he jumps on a couch on Oprah.....who cares. I like his movies. The day he starts picking stupid roles, and starts acting poorly, then i will jump on that band wagon. Until then, i'll keep seeing his pictures.
The movie starts out pretty well. The combination of a romantic comedy and an action flick is done with the correct dosage. It knew when to be funny, it knew when to be romantic, and it knew when to cut all that off and throw you into the action. But as the movie went on, it slowly began to loose that perfect dosage.
The second act started to loose me a bit. Mainly because it started leaning towards the romantic side and forgetting the other elements that make this an entertaining movie. Rather than have a romantic sequence followed by a funny skit or an action sequence, it was just a straight laced lovey dovey scene. Now i know most of the female audience will enjoy it.....but your male counterparts may find it a bit dull.
But the third act kind of drops the ball. Tom Cruise who plays this funny, witty, and very professional action hero, starts to loose some of the traits that make him entertaining to watch. And i do not blame Mr. Cruise for this, i actually blame the writing. Because you can see on screen how confused Tom Cruise is. In these situations where he is suppose to suave and charismatic, like he was in 90% of the movie, he is now scared and confused.........needless to say, it felt a little out of place.
Bottom Line.......it was a pretty good popcorn flick. The setup is really good, but i think that if they worked on the mechanics on the second and third act, it really could have been one of the summers better action movies. But i don't know if it was either trying to be that, or one of the summers best romantic comedies. Either way, the result leaves it as a decent action/romantic comedy.
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