Sunday, October 28, 2012

Once Upon a Time 2-5: "The Doctor"

This was an odd way for things to go. The real time Storybrooke plot was surprisingly light, with Daniel being brought back and dispatched so quickly. That Dr. Whale would resurrect him without securing a deal first was foolish, but I was mildly amused that his arm was ripped off and he had to ask Mr. Gold to fix it.

The flashbacks were interesting. I suspected Rumpel was playing Regina, but that Jefferson was directly involved surprised me. I can see the more adventurous Jefferson and Rumpel working together toward all kinds of mischief, and I would enjoy seeing more in the future. I smiled when Rumpel thanked Victor for his help in making Rumpel’s monster, and wished him luck on his. “I’m not making a monster.” “Sure you aren’t.”

Victor/Dr. Whale worked in better than I expected him too, but it is still an odd fit into this mytharc. The science is more powerful than magic bit was a little overused, but the switch to black and white at the end was a nice touch. The younger Regina seemed especially gullible to me, both toward Rumple and toward Victor. And her turnaround to taking hearts – and wearing evil queen outfits – was incredibly sudden.

For the Fairy Tale Land side of things, I’m glad to see that the heroines quickly suspected Hook, and refused to take his evasions, and that even though they are following him, they remain skeptical of his motives. I see Emma’s power is working again; I hope now that it has re-emerged it is more consistent.

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