Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gossip Girl -6×3- Dirty Rotten Scandals

First of all, it’s absolutely ridiculous that Nate doesn’t know the laws around libel/defamation. DUDE, you work at a news publication and you had to do a Google search? Seriously? God, Nate, you really are just a pretty face. I mean, good that you know the laws of having sex with a potential minor, but holy hell. I’m just glad that Dan seemed to have a decent grasp on whether or not he could be sued for what was being printed because SOMEONE should. (And, really, that someone should be Nate, but I digress.)

And what was the big deal about Sage stripping down to her skivvies during Blair’s fashion show? This was a thing? Like there’s never been a teenage model in her underwear walking down the runway? A stunt like that was nowhere near the scandal they made it out to be.

Speaking of the fashion show, my how the mighty have fallen. Has Blair always been like this? She’s almost to the point of unwatchable. Especially contrasted with what they’re now doing with Nelly Yuki (her adorable, but somewhat heart breaking, attempt to pick up Dan aside). They still have her being somewhat of still a schemer, but unlike Blair she's not screeching about minions and flailing around for Chuck Bass. Ugh. And the headbands? Is this supposed to be a cute throwback to first and second season? Because all it’s doing is making Blair look like an ass. A grown woman who’s trying to become a fashion designer/head up a major design label does not need to be prancing around in headgear coordinated with her outfits. Just, no.

Also, this episode just confirmed that I don’t understand Chuck and Blair’s relationship/pact at all. They’re basically acting as each other’s boyfriend/girlfriend by providing each other support, non? But they can’t have sex? What? WHY? I just don’t get the correlation between making themselves into “full people” (or whatever bullshit Blair was rambling about in the premiere) before they can be together and not having sex/physical contact with each other, but still relying on one another as if they’re in a relationship. It makes NO sense.

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