Thursday, October 18, 2012

American Horror Story: Asylum -2×1- Welcome To Briarcliff

I thought that the season opener was incredible. This set up is perfect for Ryan Murphy's twisted mind and Jessica Lange's awesome acting abilities.

I'm wondering how innocent (or maybe "sane" is the better word) Sister Mary Eunice really is. There are times she acted like she was in over her head, but there were moments that suggested a masochistic nature to me. In a fit, she literally banged her head on the desk in front of Sister Jude and encouraged whipping by exposing herself and picking the "weapon." Of course, that also could have been an act for mercy. She rather cooly noted to Lana how the baby was drowned and his ears sliced off. The spastic, wide-eyed young nun was not apparent there.

I suppose with the doctor finding the implanted alien microchip bug then we're to assume that Kit isn't Bloodyface? Either the aliens did it or implanted these bugs into other men who also killed their wives? If so, Kit could be the third "Bloodyface"...with more to come? Yet, it sounded like they FOUND Kit wearing his wife's face and that's how he got the moniker, so I guess that means the bug made him do it--and also made him not remember doing it? If the doctor didn't find it/see it, then I think we would have been left with more of a mystery of whether Kit crazy imagining these aliens or whether he's telling the truth. My take on it is that they are establishing that he is telling the truth and we're going to see what the treatment at this asylum ends up turning a "normal" person into--same situation for the reporter.

Or, maybe the alien thing is just a concidence... I'm also thinking the "thing" in the woods is Bloodyface. It appeared that the nun was feeding it pieces of the bodies that the doctor killed. It might be his monster a la Dr. Frankenstein--but made with eeeeviiil brains!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you mentioned Sister Mary Eunice - she is definitely not all she seems to be! The exposing herself and begging to be whipped was almost a bit of reverse psychology, because Sister Jude - despite being openly hostile to every other human being she encounters - seems to be strangely protective of the young nun.



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