Friday, March 23, 2012

The Vampire Diaries -3×17- Brean on Through

Yay for a Jeremy cameo! I am still hoping that he's not in Denver and he was lying to Elena on the phone. Doubtful, but I'm holding out that hope until he actually comes back to Mystic Falls. But seriously, his cameo made me extremely happy. During the episode, I found myself thinking about Jeremy in every single Elena/Alaric scene. 'what about Jeremy? Is anyone thinking about Jeremy? Do you even care that Jeremy could be going all psycho-killer in Denver right now?'. And I kept telling myself that I couldn't wait for him to return. So thank you VD writers, for giving me this wonderful surprise. It was very much needed.

Stefan/Damon scenes continue to rock.

Yay, Caroline was back. When she was telling Jamie (which, if they are planning on Jamie/Bonnie, do not put him in multiple scenes with the Chemistry Machine) she knew how it felt I thought she meant about becoming a vampire against her will, though maybe that's still a bit of a touchy subject. I mean, I know Caroline's come to terms with being a vampire. How she became one and going through the transition w/o knowing what was going on? Could be a different matter.

It sucks that Abby is so consistently....sucky. Poor Bonnie.

Alaric was so freaky! That MRI scene was something. And have to kinda love Meredith now. She was fierce, fighting him off. So, that note to Jeremy? This still sounds like a possession to me. And maybe only one person can be possessed at a time?

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