Thursday, March 29, 2012
The Vampire Diaries -3×18- The Murder of One
Bravo Brava I thought this was one of the best episodes of the season. Props to Bonnie for completing an amazingly difficult spell. When they revealed the bloodlines twist, everything about this season clicked into place. Now let's just hope it's Elijah who turned the vampire who turned Katherine. Speaking of Katherine, it is high time she showed up again.
I enjoyed Klaus as a villain for the first time tonight. Cold, calculating, and somehow also jovial. I also liked that he made Stefan see that he was just using Klaus as a way to keep from taking responsibility for his actions.
Caroline continues to ride the awesome train. Loved her acknowledgement of the man she killed, her talk with Alaric, and the Damon snark she was def one of the highlights this episode.
Loved the ending with crazy alter-ego Alaric having the stake. Adds a great layer of unpredictability.
And I wonder how many vampires just dropped dead when Sage died.
I'm psyched about the possibility of DarkBonnie. Kat Graham really sold that breakdown scene.I actually think she's been heading gradually in that direction for awhile, so it'll feel like an organic development for me. I also think it'll make the character more interesting and just plain fun.
Side note--as a Damon and Elena fan, (well mostly Damon fan), I loved Damon's hallucination with Elena. Those two have amazing chemistry.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Ringer -1×19- Let’s Kill Bridget
I think Henry should google "toolbelt," and see if his picture pops up.
This episode was certainly fake out heavy, wasn't it? From the "daydream" meeting between Shiv and Bridget to the "let's kill Bridget" line to the whole "Dead Bridget on a mattress" fake out. It was all so goofy, it made me laugh.
Oh..and it turns out that even the FBI has realized that Machado is the worst agent ever! When he was beating on that guy and everybody was standing around taking cell phone movies, I just about died!
How come when I bring a coat to the dry cleaners, it never comes back stuffed with money? I need a new dry cleaner.
The show does seem to be moving along at cancellation pace. Be funny if they got a last minute reprieve, and the writer's were all .."Oh Noooo..we've revealed everything! What do we do next season?' It is a shame though, because this show is soapy goodness.
New Girl -1×18- Fancyman (Part 2)
Wow, this show keeps getting better and better. All three male leads are on fire now, Nick and Schmidt in particular have become comedic quote machines. Winston has developed into a fully-formed character now, with his own set of quirks (ultra-competitiveness and love of Broadway show-tunes) that are both believable and not OTT. I can't wait to see whether or not Winston decides to keep CeeCee and Schmidt's secret, or decides to emotionally blackmail the two of them just for shits and giggles.
Community -3×12- Contemporary Impressionists
This was a weird episode and if they did swap it out I am glad for it in terms of ratings.
Weirdness aside, I really liked this episode for what it's given Troy and Abed in their relationship. Knowing that they aren't real people it's a bummer to not have them be happy Troy-And-Abed, but in their reality it really works, particularly as Troy matures and sees more of the down sides to being Abed's BFF - if this season were allowed to have gone without a break it would have had more of an impact after the Abed-as-Batman debacle. The use of Evil Abed is interesting, but I sort of wonder if he had always existed in some form given that it's rare to see Abed reflecting alone and this was after his BFF basically laid the smackdown on his whimsy.
The rest of the episode was amusing, but can see where it could be funnier. I think I enjoy Joel Mchale/Jeff clothed and scruffy over strippery and clean-shaven. But it made for a good Jeff/Britta friendship moment and really makes me hope that Jeff finds a better shrink, or at least better anti-anxiety meds.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Desperate Housewives -8×18- Any Moment
I will give the writers credit for making MJ behave in a realistic manner. Susan's permissive behavior was getting on my nerves, but I could see where it was coming from...and the jam scene tore me up.
I want to smack Lynette. She "tricks" Tom into coming over and, worse yet, involves Penny in it?! BLEH! If the woman wants to give her marriage another try, she might try actually talking to her husband. I wish she hadn't listened to Renee and had just gone with her original plan of talking to Tom.
I saw the personal shopper thing coming the minute everyone gathered to watch Gaby shop. Totally unrealistic but at least she managed to get a job. I couldn't believe her attitude at the employment office. Gaby isn't stupid and I wish the writers would remember that. Her walking into that office with her demands and completely ridiculous expectations was more unrealistic then her being hired as a personal shopper.
Bree and Andrew have come so far since season 1. I love their scenes together. It took a long time, but she became a good mother and I love seeing her supporting Andrew. However, she is a total idiot for talking about the murder and body disposal on the damn telephone!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Once Upon a Time (2011) -1×17- Hat Trick
Oh god, this episode was SO fantastic. I absolutely loved it. I'm incredibly intrigued by Regina and Jefferson — he can call her by her given name to her face and not even receive a death glare in response? She seemed completely different in that scene, too; my immediate thought upon seeing her was "why is Mayor!Regina dressed up in Queen!Regina's clothes?" I realized about halfway through the episode, after mulling over all of the talk about Jefferson and his daughter, that the Queen of Hearts had kidnapped Daddy!Henry. After seeing that the Queen of Hearts has the same style vault of hearts that Regina has, and considering that we were never shown her face and that she and Regina seem to have an animosity-laden relationship, I have a feeling that the Queen of Hearts will turn out to be none other than Regina's mother, Cora.
I LOVED Regina using magic to get through the maze; she was just so badass throughout that whole scene, and it's been way too long since we last saw her do magic (eight episodes!). I didn't find her choice not to teleport off-putting, though, because there are a handful of reasons why she might not have. For starters, she might not be able to teleport someone along with her, and she didn't want to get separated from Jefferson; or maybe the Queen of Hearts doesn't allow teleportation on her grounds, sort of like Hogwarts.
I felt for Jefferson, but I was kind of annoyed with him at the same time — the kid was perfectly happy with the rabbit that you made for her, dude. Quite often, I feel bad for the people who get caught up in Rumpel and Regina's schemes, because they are very rarely given a choice between two valid options, but tonight I just felt like Jefferson had two perfectly valid choices, and he made his choice out of greed. Still, I feel bad that his one terrible choice resulted in being separated from his daughter for so long. I interpreted that last scene of him sewing hats as taking place before the curse, after the Queen of Hearts ordered him to make a new one, although I could be wrong. I figured that the hat that Emma made started working when he disappeared, too.
Also: Snow's badassery coming out of Mary Margaret was awesome. I thought it was kind of ridiculous, though, that Emma's fluffy, fairytale princess curls were so perfect when she was at the police station in the first scene, but then five minutes later when she was on the road, her hair was all scraggly.
The Secret Circle -1×17- Curse
I was invested in the episode, actually believing all this curse thing then by the end of the episode I felt so cheated. Darn you, Papa Blackwell, just when I sorta think you're hot and caring! At least, my Cadam ship hasn't sunk yet.
The highlights of the episode are probably Faye-Diana-Melissa. Faye's giggle when knowing Adam and Cassie had sex, Diana's guilty cringe when her sexy card failed (The police plays for the other team, I suppose) and Melissa flirting with John Blackwell. Lol. Seriously, I had no idea that Melissa may be John's potential other daughter, I just thought, "Erm, why Melissa started flirting with John?" And I giggled to myself to the thought of them together. Hey, at least Melissa will have decent storyline.
I gave up on this show on winter break but then I got bored and decided to pick it up again. I'm glad I did that because I enjoy it so much these days.
And I keep forgetting that it's Charles that kills Amelia. Looking forward to the day when John and Cassie found out about that. Be safe, Charles!
Friday, March 23, 2012
The Vampire Diaries -3×17- Brean on Through
Yay for a Jeremy cameo! I am still hoping that he's not in Denver and he was lying to Elena on the phone. Doubtful, but I'm holding out that hope until he actually comes back to Mystic Falls. But seriously, his cameo made me extremely happy. During the episode, I found myself thinking about Jeremy in every single Elena/Alaric scene. 'what about Jeremy? Is anyone thinking about Jeremy? Do you even care that Jeremy could be going all psycho-killer in Denver right now?'. And I kept telling myself that I couldn't wait for him to return. So thank you VD writers, for giving me this wonderful surprise. It was very much needed.
Stefan/Damon scenes continue to rock.
Yay, Caroline was back. When she was telling Jamie (which, if they are planning on Jamie/Bonnie, do not put him in multiple scenes with the Chemistry Machine) she knew how it felt I thought she meant about becoming a vampire against her will, though maybe that's still a bit of a touchy subject. I mean, I know Caroline's come to terms with being a vampire. How she became one and going through the transition w/o knowing what was going on? Could be a different matter.
It sucks that Abby is so consistently....sucky. Poor Bonnie.
Alaric was so freaky! That MRI scene was something. And have to kinda love Meredith now. She was fierce, fighting him off. So, that note to Jeremy? This still sounds like a possession to me. And maybe only one person can be possessed at a time?
Thursday, March 22, 2012
90210 -4×19- The Heart Will Go On
This was actually a good episode. It actually had a unifying theme to it, like it was written thoroughly and thoughtfully, as opposed to the random happenings that have been the norm.
Poor Raj!
I wonder what the big, scandalous secret is that Jen mentioned to Naomi. Or did she just say that to mess with Naomi's head?
Had to laugh at Dixon saying he knows that telling the truth is the best way to go... if they went with that there would be no show since basically every single storyline revolves around the characters telling a stupid lie when there was really no need to.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Ringer -1×18- That Woman’s Never Been A Victim Her Entire Life
I'm impressed that for every predictable plot (Juliet running away), there is something to surprise me (Juliet confessing to Bridget about the trust fund scheme). When they showed Malcolm's ID, I yelled, "NOOOOOOOOO!" I'm so glad they didn't kill him off (yet). He's only been gone for one episode (he was in last week's episode, right?) but I already miss him. I'd be sad if he was gone forever.
Not surprised that Katherine was a stone cold bitch to Juliet once again. I know Bridget doesn't want to reward Juliet's scam, but I hope they let her stay in New York. Being around Katherine is no good for any of them.
I was so excited that Henry finally figured out Siobhan was lying about all kinds of stuff and threw her ass out. I was also glad that he went to Andrew & Siobhan's place to pick stuff up without any argument or whining. I know he's painted Andrew as the villain in his love story with Siobhan, but I think he finally realized that doesn't mean that he wants Andrew to die (funny how it takes someone almost dying for people to realize that!). And once he saw Bridget, he realized that despite what's going on, she really loves Andrew. It made me think that Henry has the potential not to be a complete douchebag dumbass!
Monday, March 19, 2012
The Walking Dead -2×13- Beside the Dying Fire
Lori can STFU now. She decided to go all Lady Macbeth and now she's pissed because it worked? Or is she just mad that Carl got in on the Shane-killing action, thus ruining whatever innocence he had left (although, your son is coming of age in the zombie apocalypse. He's seen people die in front of him. His female friend became a Walker and put down by his father. He's going to need to learn to shoot to kill). Maybe you should keep an eye on your friggin' child for once. They just said on The Talking Dead that she's pissed at herself for pulling what she did and having Shane's blood on her hands.
Carol was right, she's dead weight. She has done nothing, not even search for her missing daughter herself.
T-Dog had lines! Like a whole paragraph!
I can't blame Rick for keeping what Jenner said a secret. What good would it have done to tell everybody? Plus, I'd imagine Rick could barely believe until he ended up seeing it for himself.
The scene with Glen and Maggie was super-cute. I knew Maggie at least would survive because Lauren Cohan mentioned something about finding a place in GA to live for filming S3.
Daryl is awesome as always. I hope he gets more play in S3.
Rick is becoming a bit unhinged. I don't blame him. He went from being shot in a normal world to waking up in a coma during the zombie apocalypse and having his best friend go nuts on him because he and his wife couldn't wait more than a week after the ZA began to begin boning each other.
The reveal of You-Know-Who was BAD. ASS. I hope they don't screw up. The reveal of the prison was also great.
Desperate Housewives -8×17- Women and Death
Overall, a pretty good but predictable episode. One good thing about the show ending is we won't have to have these flashback episodes whenever someone dies where one at a time the housewives reflect on how their lives were enriched by the deceased and the advice of the deceased applies perfectly to their current situation. Gag. This is what, the 4th episode that followed that pattern?
Tom, don't fall for Lynette's ploy to get you back. You can do so much better.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Once Upon a Time (2011) -1×16- Heart of Darkness
I have to say I really loved this episode (both the Enchanted Forest and Storybrooke parts) had a little bit of everything.
I feel SO bad for David, as a character. It seems like he's always the 'bad' guy or the 'flaky' guy or the 'stupid' guy so I hope that changes soon. And he seriously needs a real friend in Storybrooke because Regina AIN'T IT. But I am glad he's starting to remember.
Love, love, love Charming. He continues to be the best. And Red was so bad ass attacking the soldiers so Charming could get away.
And once again, no one is watching Henry. Did he actually skip school today or what? Regina needs to get a nanny for him if she can't be bothered to watch him. Especially with his proclivity to run off and not listen to her.
When I saw Rumple combining Snow's and Charming's hairs I honestly thought he was creating some type of test tube baby Emma. I wonder when the LOVE potion will come back into play.
All in all, an A+ episode.
Community -3×11- Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts
This was the kind of episode that improves on re-watch. I liked it. Nowhere near the quality of "Remedial Chaos Theory", but it was sweet, funny, and full of gems. Britta, in particular, was awesome last night. Plus, Shirley-centric ! Go Shirley !
And of course, you have to hand it to Community to have the proposal, the planning and the wedding in the same episode. Most shows drag it out for at least half a season.
The Abed and Troy story, while cute, felt a little ... off to me. There was something about the ending.
Still, I enjoyed it a lot. Welcome back, show !
The Secret Circle -1×16- Lucky
Ugh so Lee is dead. I saw it coming the minute they spoiled that a character would die. He was the only male character (bar Blackwell) who I legitimately liked and found mysterious. Also, I thought he conveyed more subtlety and emotion in his scenes with both Faye and Eva then either male lead has done with any of the main girls. So disappointed he was killed off. It's just like Nick's death where there's no payoff or even real point to it other then "shock" factor. The only one who would even be affected by this would be Faye.
I do think Eva could be an awesome bad girl though, it's just a shame we had to lose Lee to illustrate this.
I didn't really get the Diana and Grant storyline. I mean what's his angle? If this were TVD his evilness would have been revealed straight after he macked on Diana. The way it was left was just... dull.
Does Jake just skulk around Cassie watching her from a distance? When the camera panned out of Cassie's window I was nearly expecting a shot of shot of him perving angstily through.
Melissa was basically a prop but I liked her interaction with everyone. It would be fun if they kept her peppy instead of throwing her in between depressed and bitchy all the time. I especially liked her small scene with Jake (though I didn't get the point of it). I'd love a scene where they talk about Nick.
I like Blackwell and when I watch him and Ethan bitch, I see a future version of Adam and Jake. I'm over Ethan, I think he's a pathetic and bitter mess and I see a lot of that mirrored in Adam when he's being catty with Jake.
I do however find Amelia's involvement in the Blackwell takedown fabulous.
Friday, March 16, 2012
The Vampire Diaries -3×16- 1912
Even though I knew Alaric was the killer I loved the way it was handled in the episode. They made a smart choice by aligning it to a previous mystery, rather than having it all unfold present day. Obviously there is some magical component to the murders because they focus on founding families but I like how it's balanced with real life consequences - all of that dying is bound to cause some serious brain damage.
Loved Sage as a character and the actress is perfect for the role. I love how Cassidy played her. Please, oh please don't kill her.
Wow, Elena's revelation that one of the things that draws her to Stefan is because he'll never die was something I hadn't thought of. I love how this show creeps things like that up on you even after 3 seasons.
Liz & Carol snipping at each other was perfection. We need to get Tyler & Caroline back in Mystic Falls and back together so we can get more Liz & Carol by proxy and stuck dealing with one another.
Best line of the night, "Because you are all I've got." Team Salvatore all the way. Ian and Paul are always gold whenever they're together on screen and long may that continue.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
New Girl -1×16- Control
Second really strong episode in a row. The writers are building relationships between the core four; we're really starting to see why the guys are more than room-mates, but real "bros," and how Jess fits into the picture. Loved that throw-away line at the end when they're talking about keeping the apartment clean, was it Nick or Schmidt who asked: "seriously guys, we have a urinal, how can you still be missing?"
Modern Family -3×18- Send Out the Clowns
Once again, the star for me was Luke.
"Quick! What's the trick to those fake tears?"
"The Three Stooges are all dead."
I thought Ellen Barkin was a great addition ("A real man would have just poisoned the soup."), Bobby Cannavale's always fun, and I loved Manny's "The kid's a doorknob."
"Please, Dad! I could fake-cry before I could walk. How do you think I got out of eating all those salads?"
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
90210.S04E18 Blood Is Thicker Than Mud
How are Naomi and Jen competing for the same guy? Naomi is what, 18-19? year old freshman college student. Jen is in her late 20s and with a young child?
Why was Ade the only one questioned by security? Shouldn't they have also brought Vanessa in for questioning since she actually made those claims of violence? And if Ade did successfully convince them that Vanessa brought it upon herself, wouldn't Vanessa have gotten in trouble for destroying property?
Why did Ade even need to steal her phone? If Vanessa used her own cell phone to call Ade, it would show up in Ade's call log. Last episode, Ade even referenced that log to redial the number, and it could not be completed indicating that Vanessa must have used some kind of disposable phone.
Liam has a moment of clarity when he remembers the Annie situation but quickly forgets everything. The plot is just stupid. There's no other way to describe it. I mean, why is Vanessa even wasting her time on Liam? He's clearly never going to make it big.
Ringer -1×17- What We Have Is Worth The Pain
Ridiculously awesome. I liked all parts of the episode this week! I mean, these past couple of weeks the show's gotten pretty dark... as angry as he appeared to be when confronted in the flashback, I do think Andrew at least said that he wanted Siobahn dead, then again, this is Siobahn's flashback and the fact that she was wearing a wire or whatever does suggest that she provoked him... Andrew tends to run hot and cold from what I've seen, so I don't think he would have plotted out her murder like Siobahn suggests... I'm glad he took the bullet for Bridgette. I don't think he's killed Malcolm. I did think that his draconic partner did in Tyler, but since the drive was a fake, I now think it's an unknown third party maybe...
I think its pretty obvious Olivia thinks that Siobahn is a horrible person, at least after tonight's episode (Of course, she's pretty awful herself). I do think that Olivia is smart enough that if she knew that there were 2 "Siobahn"s that she would have figured it out ages ago. I do wonder why none of the characters have ever wondered if Siobahn is suffering from mental illness or something, the difference in personality between the two siblings is pretty pronounced at this point. It doesn't surprise me that the driver figured it out, Bridgette had told him that her sister had committed suicide, and when. The fact that her personality was quite different and her supposed loss of memory twigged his skills (he's clearly been trained in this at some point, given his comment about the shoe-prints and such.) just as it should have done with Machado...
Henry is still a creep...
NICE to see Juliet call out her mom on her bitchiness... Poor Juliet; her Mom is horrible, her dad's been shot, some guy wants to hurt her, and her evil stepmom is suddenly nice. Karma sucks. Ms. Golightly's character has recovered, this will make Foggywood happy.
When she confronted Andrew in the office, how could Andrew and Olivia fail to notice that Siobahn was huge, even with the coat on?
Still on the USS Bandrew for what its worth... I'm sure Andrew will pull through and these crazy kids will make it work... lol.
Poor Machado, he was enjoying his gloating so much, and then to have it turned around with Malcolm being a no-show...
This episode has cemented for me just how hateful Siobahn is. She is truly consumed by it.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Desperate Housewives -8×16- You Take for Granted
I was spoiled so I was just waiting for it to happen. I realized they were making it look like each character we saw at the beginning would have a close call. So even unspoiled it was obvious by the end that it was going to be Mike. I found myself just waiting for Mike & Susan's conversation to end so I could see the big moment.
Alot of this episode was not that great. And I find myself getting tired of Lynette and her carrying on about Tom. I actually thought Tom and his girlfriend were already living together so I was waiting for him to say they were engaged or she was pregnant. The moving in together was kind of anticlimatic for me.
The Walking Dead -2×12- Better Angels
Can I just say... dayum! Thoroughly enjoyable episode. I loved the new info (twist?) that once you die you become a zombie. Am I following that right? I loved that T-Dog had some dialogue. I loved the zombie clean out at the beginning. And most of all I loved that ending scene. Looks like an epic showdown is about to happen.
I have some questions..... Why was Carl out wandering around by himself? Again. Is Lori completely incapable of minding her child? How long before Daryl realizes where his gun is? Didn't Rick think that Daryl might want it back? What's wrong with Glen? First, he turns down Maggie's offer of her bed (and I'm assuming unlimited access to her vagina), then he almost lets Daryl get deaded out in the woods. That kid needs to pull it together.
Kinda sad to see the end of Shane but it was a long time coming. I'm going to miss his insanity. From what I hear, the Governor will be making an appearance soon enough. I never read the comics but I've heard enough to know that he will be a welcome addition.
Overall, I loved it. Looking forward to next week's finale.
Once Upon a Time (2011) -1×15- Red-Handed
I actually loved this episode, despite it being mainly a stand alone episode, at least in fairy tale land. But I loved getting the back-story of Red Riding Hood and Granny, and I totally didn't see the twist coming, even though when I think about it, the signs where there. The ending was pretty dark for this show; Red basically ate her boyfriend. That's a sucky way to go. Loved how Snow and Red met and their bond. And in modern world, I liked seeing Ruby gain confidence over herself and realize she can do more then just be a flirty waitress. Really liking the actress playing her; it helps she hot obviously (although I still prefer the Red look to the Ruby one), but I think she brings a real likability to the role. I hope she sticks around for a while.
Count me as someone who doesn't think that heart is Kathryn's; it's probably one of the ones Regina keeps around in her evil lair. Poor Mary though; being the one set-up. Regina really is an evil piece of work; hope Emma and crew prove her innocence and we can get to the battle soon.
No Gold/Rumpel made me sad, although the brief return of Dr. Whale was good. I remember reading an article with the writers where they said the problem was David Anders was busy with another show, but that he should be done with that and be available to do more episodes. I think he could be intriguing; is he just another puppet of Regina's (like Sidney), or could he be turned or end up with his own agenda? Not to mention which fairy-tale character is he? (the whale from Pinocchio? Something completely different?)
Looking forward to next week with the return of Rumpel and vengeful Snow White?!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
New Girl -1×15- Injured
I really liked this episode. It wasn't the absolute funniest of the season, but it still had several moments where I laughed out loud, and I thought everyone rallying around Nick was sweet. I'm not always Nick's biggest fan - I think his cynicism and glass half empty attitude is sometimes hilarious, and sometimes annoying, but it worked for me here, probably because he was facing a health scare, and that's the kind of thing that can make anyone take stock of their life. Plus, in some respects I think Nick is kind of relatable, in the sense that he seemed to have a lot of promise at one time and then somewhere along the way he got kind of lost and has just sort of given up on life. And it's interesting to me because Winston is sort of lost in life right now, too, in that he doesn't really have a job or a career or know what he wants to do with himself post-basketball, yet Winston has a much more positive outlook on life than Nick does. I always wonder if Nick was as cynical as he is now, or if that's something that happened after he dropped out of law school.
As for this episode being aired out of order, I didn't really notice. Like the scene on the beach with Schmidt and Cece - I thought that Cece telling Schmidt about her dad was supposed to show that she's opening up to him a little bit. I could see how it could've happened prior to them hooking up, but it worked in this context for me.
I liked Winston being all torn up about his car. If you've had a car for awhile, it really does feel like a friend, someone who has been through a lot of things with you over the years.
90210 -4×17- Babes In Toyland
So... that was mediocre at best.
Annie whining for the whole episode bugged. After the way she went about trying to get "MY money" and also the escorting/prostitution, I find it hard to believe she's uncomfortable having money. In fact it's what she's wanted more then anything this season. She's been nothing but greedy about getting the inheritance and while I think it's nice that she wants to use it to do something great, I wish they'd stop with the cutesy ~i didn't plan to be rich routine. Bitch it was your main goal. It just makes her seem even faker then usual.
Dixon and Adrianna.... yeah kind of dull I'll be honest. I care so little when it comes to their music. I was disappointed that Adrianna lost her job though since it means she won't be hanging out at the bar as much.
Naomi and Jen were my favorite part. Just because I love how innocent and out of sorts Naomi is when she's with Jen. I rolled my eyes with the Preston thing though since it's obvious that it's just going to be another Naomi goes boy crazy and chases him all over the place but he'll connect with Annie on a more emotional level in the end without Annie even trying because she's such a pure human being.
Liam is an idiot and I hate this acting storyline. It's just so not in character. I didn't mind the Liam/Silver scene but I can't find a credible way for them to hook up with each other aside from the fact that they're both the shows bicycles.
Ivy... I don't care. I don't even think she should be on the show at this stage. Her storyline reeked of trying to hard to be hip and failing miserably.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Ringer -1×16- You’re Way Too Pretty To Go To Jail
There was no filler in that episode at all.
Oh, dark and creepy Ioan, it has been so long since I saw thee! So intense, so malicious looking! He seems so malicious that I don't think he is capable of murder.
Don't hurt poor beautiful Malcolm!
I'm just glad Vic had something to do this episode. He was so pretty. I know all the men are this show are, but yeah I laughed when Bridget told him about his eyes. I'm glad his secret was that he was in love with the murder victim; they had ok chemistry too.
Speaking of stripper Bridget: that was some good makeup there. Bridget looked very trashy and high. Her face even looked a bit gaunt and haggard.
Henry is indeed a doucheplanet. When he kissed Bridget, I did bite down an "ew". The character just bugs and is very ridiculous.
I felt sorry for poor, stupid Tyler. When he went all, "I did for us and the baby" and I feel even more sorry for the sap. Rest in Peace, at least you won't go to prison now. Also what is this show and its prison man-love jokes?
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The Walking Dead -2×11- Judge, Jury, Executioner
Yeah, Carl. You did that. Smooth move. Seriously, I know it's the ZA, but could someone please parent this child? It takes a village, right? Somebody should be making sure this kid isn't just traipsing over zombie-filled hill and dale (too soon?).
And maybe, if I were anyone down on the farm, I might be a little concerned with Herschel's estimate of a dozen or so cattle breaking the fence. That's a pretty sizable hole, maybe someone would like to work on fixing that. Obviously, it's letting zombies in, and we know there is a whole heard of them not too far away.
I'm thoroughly peeved that Dale is dead. Say what you will about how useless an old hippie with his Tommy Bahama shirts is to the group, he was smarter than most of them.
And it was refreshing to actually see T-Dog in an episode. Were those actual lines I heard coming from him? I bet that's the last thing we hear out of him for the rest of this season, probably next season, too.
Desperate Housewives -8×15- She Needs Me
There were some very nice, heartfelt conversations in this episode. I do have some questions though:
Didn't Roy marry Karen in the first place because she had cancer?
Why was Lynette moping around during her time alone? Doesn't she have a boyfriend she can spend time with?
When will Dr. Jane find time to watch Paige?
Did it occur to Susan that Lynette doesn't have to set up a nursery in her house because she already has one? And that Lynette used to be a baby?
CreepyStalkerOrson is the only Orson I can tolerate. I don't think he was acting out of character at all, and watching Bree tell him off was one of the highlights of the season (a bad season, yes, but still). But how did only some of the photos make it to the trash bin? Did he drop some and throw them into the wastebasket at the last minute?
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Once Upon a Time 1-14: "Dreamy" 2012.03.04
This one just struck me as light on actual story line. They could have a done lot more questioning. I mean did we even get Mary Margaret's reaction to Kathryn disappearing?
Not a single Henry scene. First ep ever where he never even pokes his head out. And least Lana ever.
I'd have liked to see Emma question Frederick about what he found/saw.
I was also a bit disappointed in Emma for not volunteering to sell or at least buy a few candles in support.
It just seemed like the writers were disinterested in the story lines they felt were a side story to Leroy/Grumpy/Dreamy and Astrid/Nova.
I assume Gold hates nuns because Gold hates fairies. Why he hates fairies, we don't really know. But he disliked them enough to kill one.
I'm also having to adjust to the "extended" serialized nature. Something big happens, but the true follow up of it may not happen for 2-3 episodes. It causes uneven momentum and sometimes kills the urgency of certain things.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Revenge -1×16- Scandal
I'm so glad they showed what actually happened at the end there since there is a month long break (WHAT?? Ugh!); at least we won't have to spend weeks debating what really happened.
Show, don't make me like Declan.
Jack, Jack, Jack. You witness the supposed love of your life at the very least witnessing a corpse and possibly a murder, and your response is to leave self-incriminating evidence in a place so obvious Declan can find it?
Nice to see Daniel start getting a clue.
And finally Ashley seems to be doing something other than social secretary. Good on you, Ashley, to use the nice murder of the guy you were dating as a career opportunity.
I am not certain that Nolan is telling the entire truth about his dealings with Takeda.
But on that note -- nice touch to screw up the security footage to make Daniel look even MORE guilty, although convenient touch that Daniel just happened to decide to take Emily to the beach and fight with her about going to Paris and then mope about so Tyler could confront him.
Honestly could not believe the Graysons failed to disclose Daniel's earlier little accident trouble. The attorney was absolutely right, although since the prosecution does have disclosure obligations the defense attorney might have gotten SOME warning, but, seriously, Graysons, don't lie to the defense attorney just now.
Modern Family -3×17- Leap Day
I've never been a big fan of "cycle" plots on sitcoms, and the girls definitely got the short end of the script, but I thought that Ty Burrell really sold the subplot and saved it. Every time I started to get annoyed by the cliche, there was a funny line reading that kept it going, for me anyway.
The rest of the episode had me laughing out loud, a lot. Too many to remember, but particular favorites include the jokes about the pointlessness of watching soccer, the Wizard of Oz motif including the flying monkeys (Monkees), Jay in his pink robe eating porridge with a cracker cut, Mitchell's line to the camera that Cam was upset about turning 40, and once he realized that...everything got much worse. Ha.
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