Sunday, November 13, 2011

Green Lantern: The Animated Series -1×1- Beware My Power Part 1 of 2

I actually haven't read any Green Lantern comics since the start of the Sinestro Corps War, so everything I know about the Red Lanterns come second-hand. That being said, I liked the show's version of the Red Lanterns. Appearance-wise, they look pretty damn vicious. And if in the comics, like you say, they're just mindless vessels of rage, I can understand the show's writers giving them some actual personality. Take it from someone going in cold, on the show, they made for great villains.

The whole "trapped in the Frontier" storyline seems interesting, but I hope it doesn't survive the first season. Seems to me it could get old after a while. Still, I'd like to see where they take it.

I like how the stakes are much higher on this show, compared to pretty much any other animated show based on a comic book. (I haven't seen the X-Men cartoon in well over a decade, but I still shudder at the memory of the police force of a small Bavarian village, in full ceremonial garb, chasing after Nightcrawler with frikkin' laser rifles!) On this show, characters can and will die, and death actually means something. And the glowing rings flying back to Oa after a Lantern dies makes for a great visual.

All in all, I liked it, and when the new show debuts up here in the new year, I'll definitely be tuning in.

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