Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Gossip Girl -5×4- Memoirs of an Invisible Dan

So I love Dan's book story. It is infinitely more exciting than anything else on the show. Loved the scene at Lily and Rufus' when everyone found out about the book. I actually laughed out loud at the exchange between Charlie/Ivy and Blair... “Haven't you been home for weeks?” “It certainly feels that way when I'm around you.” LM's delivery of that line was very good. And Nate's reaction to finding out his character is gay. “Do I have game?” Loved it. I even managed not to hate Chuck in that scene. His complete indifference to the book and amusement at the others learning about the book and what's in the book was fun.

I'm glad the writers touched on the Serena/Blair friendship, or really lack of so far this season. Dan has really been Blair's go to for a while now which I've enjoyed, but I'm glad there was an explanation for why Blair wouldn't be sharing some of these things with Serena. I can take or leave both of them depending on the story, but I do enjoy their friendship and it's been a huge part of the show. Speaking of Serena, I can't quite put my finger on what it was about her this episode that bugged me, but I was highly annoyed by her. She was like a child throwing a temper tantrum. It was like she expected to read a love story about herself instead of an upper east side social commentary. I don't know, I just found her to be immature and almost arrogant.

And the downfall of Prince Perfect begins. Anyone not see this coming? Out of nowhere Louis is all hostile and jealous about something he reads in a work of fiction? I feel like Louis might be suffering from a case of out of characteritis. I just can't believe the guy who has been written to be the absolute perfect man for Blair is all of the sudden ready to call things off with her and needing advice from Yoda Bass. Really? Of course Louis wasn't much of a character to begin with so I can't really get that worked up about it.

Charlie/Ivy and Nate working together? I like it! For some reason I really like Charlie/Ivy and I like the chemistry between her and Nate so far. I hope they go there.

It's strange that after Blair completely lays the smack down on Dan and rules out anything between them, I'm more sure than ever that something is up between those two. Something about the dialogue, the look on Blair's face as she read the book, heck the first 4 episodes of the season...it's been raining anvils. I like their friendship, but I've never been sure if they had the romantic chemistry to pull off anything more. After tonight's kiss I'm convinced that they could. I can't say that I want it to happen because I like Dan and I think that would only end badly for him, but there is a part of me that would like to see the chemistry explored.

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