Monday, August 8, 2011

True Blood -4×7- Cold Grey Light of Dawn

I flove Dr. Ludwig, and was so happy to see her back -- godawful bedside manner and everything! Didn't Eric say in a past season that she wasn't entirely human? I'd love to see "what else" the good doctor is.

If Jessica has indeed met the True Death, then I might have to revise my entire opinion of this season thus far. I feel that the current arc for the character and Woll's performance have finally come together in such a way that I am deeply invested in what becomes of her. Does anyone remember if Jason was wearing his service firearm as he heroically sprinted to her rescue? It stands to reason that he was given that he was in uniform, and that could easily explain the gunshot heard at this episode's conclusion.

I still lack all clarity with respect to the issue of Arlene's potentially evil, possibly haunted little one. We have seen that the child is in communication with the Creole woman (who is herself apparently grounded to this plane by that damned doll), but are we to conclude that she is responsible for his supernatural outbursts? What motivation would she have for causing a small blood vessel in Arlene's eye to burst, or writing foul messages on the wall, or burning down their home? There aren't enough puzzle pieces on the board to really answer any of those questions just yet, I suppose.

So close. So close! Sam almost did away with his brother. I was on the edge of my seat hoping that he would have the gumption to follow through with it. I realize that Tommy's life has been anything but easy and that a lot of his traumatic youth has shaped who he is as a person (which affords him a measure of understanding and empathy), but he leaves entirely too much destruction in his wake to be left standing. For the sake of those around him, and for his own sake, Tommy must die, especially now that he has skinwalking ability. Who knows what havoc he could wreak next?

Oh yeah, some stuff happened involving Sookie, but I try to tune that out whenever possible. Even Eric, my favorite vampire of past seasons, has become grating for me.

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