Monday, August 29, 2011
True Blood -4×10- Burning Down the House
I must give credit to ASkar. The moment Eric's memory returned, his face was ... it was like nothing about his face changed, but everything changed. So subtle but so clear. Just a small moment that I thought was totally cool.
The rest of the episode? Meh. It was totally an "Episode 10" -- a bunch of semi-filler nonsense to lead into the Final Two. In other words, zzzzzzzzz.
Although if I ever need a good laugh, I'll rewatch the last moments with Bill, Pam, Eric and Jessica walking in slo-mo with their black leather and semi-automatic weapons, looking positively and absolutely ridiculous.
I like how Marnie's hostages' stupidity regarding the doorknob is practically a running gag now.
And color me surprised that Antonia is the one being manipulated by Marnie. I was wondering where this "We have to defeat the villain by the season finale" thing was going to go, because we thought that Marnie was an innocent victim being possessed by an evil vengeance psycho and then there'd be a dilemma about killing "innocent" Marnie to stop Antonia, which would be futile anyway because Antonia's already dead. Dilemmas, dilemmas. But now we know that Marnie herself is the one that needs to be put down. Well, do it, already. She's bugging me. And don't forget to take Roy with her.
We need to have more scenes with Andy and Terry. I've no idea if this is really the end of Andy's V addiction, as we still have two episodes to go, but I sure hope it is because frankly it's long since been getting on my damn nerves.
Wow, they really killed Tommy.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Thundercats (2011) -1×6- Journey to the Tower of Omens
On the one hand, there were lots of cool snippets and arc building. In particular, that glimpse of ancient Third Earth and a Thundercat serving Mumm-ra. It does make me wonder what exactly the Eye of Thundera is and what it was used for, and how much of their ancient mythology is right or wrong. Plus, Mumm-Ra's sarcophagus becomes a tank now? Didn't see that coming. Wonder what it's called. The Tomb of Doom?
Panthro vs. Mumm-Ra! That was fun. At least until the transformation, which is where I think things get a little rushed. Don't get me wrong. I like the new and improved form of the transformed Mumm-Ra, but I would have thought the transformation sequence would have more build-up to it. Maybe a full-on animated sequence like when Lion-O does the Thundercat battle cry. More than just a smokescreen and flashes of light. Hell, even the 80's series showed more of the transformation.
On the upside, they didn't make him a wuss. He owned the Cats, even though Cheetara and Panthro got a couple of licks in.
Snarf? Useful for once? Has Hell frozen over? In a similar vein, it was good to see the Thunderkittens contributing usefully, even if they did bungle it at the treasure trap.
Jaga being a smartass to Slithe was kind of funny. As was Slithe getting subsequently dismissed by Mumm-Ra. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
I didn't expect them to get the Book this early in the season. But I'm sure (hoping) the creators have an idea where they're going.
Monday, August 22, 2011
True Blood -4×9- Let’s Get Out of Here
This episode has illuminated one thing for me - maybe the problem I have with TB isn't my hatred of Bill, maybe I should instead be loathing scene sucking Sookie. (Say that 10 times fast). That dream sequence had me hiding behind my hands like a horror movie. It actually kinda hurt to watch it.
That Martonia sure is small potatoes. She killed 1 vamp her first try, 0 her second, and now has a whopping 4 working for her to try and derail the vamps in society. Gee, she's so powerful, why, I'd say she's the werewolf of witches. Blech.
So Debbie tricked Sookie while Sookie was reading her. Huh, pretty put together for being high. I think I'm going to like conniving Debbie, even if I don't truly get what her problem is.
I cheered when Tara told Sookie how stupid she was, but I also liked that it was a ruse. Speaking of which, didn't Tara have a gun? Why don't they shoot out the windows of the moon goddess and get out. Weak.
Love Nan. And - and I can't believe I'm saying this - I loved Beel and Nan. The looks he was giving her at the tolerence summit, or whatever it was, were priceless.
For once I liked Jesus too. I still hope that Lafayette gets more control over this medium stuff, as I want it to be an empowering thing, not something where he is taken advantage of. (But NE definately deserves an emmy, I think he's the best actor on the show)
Also ETA - I still love Terry.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Thundercats (2011) -1×5- Old Friends
Aww ... young Panthro in one of the flashbacks looked like 80s Panthro! And I like the update on the Driller ... I wonder which other 80s secondary characters will show up. I would get a kick out of Mandora the Evil-Chaser and Hachiman, but both would need some serious revising to not be totally ridiculous.
Nice episode for fleshing out the mythology and backstory a bit. I get that they want to build up a bit more to a Panthro-Grune showdown, but the way Grune turned tail and ran at the end seemed out of character and silly.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
True Blood -4×8- Spellbound
Not happy with the progression of Sookie/Eric this season, which is my own fault for getting my hopes up. The fantasy scenes in the second (?) season were so much more real in this - the scene of them talking in bed was incredibly sexy and romantic, and what we're getting this season is so fantastical and smaltzy and dripping with ridiculousness. I wish they hadn't even touched the amnesia storyline, if it's going to be handled this way.
Jessica/Hoyt's break-up scene was real, and I like that. You hurt me, I'm going to hurt you right back - Hoyt is going to regret that tomorrow. I'm surprised Jessica ran straight to Jason, although she is pretty young in that respect. I'm glad that Jason disinvited her (fighting hard to stay loyal to Hoyt) - I feel some real chemistry with them and I like the drama/fight going on between them. They did get me for a second on the first break-up scene, when they switched to Jason waiting in the car.
I love how Alcide promised not to see Sookie and then the MOMENT he was able to leave, he went to Sookie. What kind of shitty werewolf can't smell his girlfriend following him? I swear, when a character becomes interested in Sookie, their IQ drops significantly.
I'm liking Bill more and more, which means he'll probably get back with Sookie and she'll ruin him like she ruins everything.
Lafayette straightening his shirt just so after he was possessed, and his perfect "Fuck this shit" when he saw the woman in the kitchen were both great. Nelsan Ellis remains terrific.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Thundercats (2011) -1×4- Song of the Petalars
The Petalars were adorable. I liked that the lesson about life and its' meaning was handled without a lot of preaching. They just showed the Enric had lived a full life even in the span of one day by action. Plus, it was suitably disturbing when Enric pointed out that the Petalars had been following Lion-O and crew for as long as anyone could remember by mid-day.
The charge of the Petalars was somehow made more cool by the fact that the Petalars are so tiny and cute-looking, but they were so serious.
Snarf busting up Lion-O's little moment with Cheetara was priceless, as was Lion-O's reaction.
Slithe in this incarnation is no joke, is he? The old Slithe was cruel, but displayed at least minimal concern for his people, at least insofar as they could be useful to him. It was interesting to see other types of lizardpeople and their abilities.
The fight scene at the end was suitably badass for a rally the troops moment, complete with the old signal and everything, and the new Thundertank looks awesome. Can't wait to see how they explain it and Panthro (who was also suitably badass). :)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Reel Review " Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
An origin story set in present day San Francisco, where man's own experiments with genetic engineering lead to the development of intelligence in apes and the onset of a war for supremacy.
Monday, August 8, 2011
True Blood -4×7- Cold Grey Light of Dawn
I flove Dr. Ludwig, and was so happy to see her back -- godawful bedside manner and everything! Didn't Eric say in a past season that she wasn't entirely human? I'd love to see "what else" the good doctor is.
If Jessica has indeed met the True Death, then I might have to revise my entire opinion of this season thus far. I feel that the current arc for the character and Woll's performance have finally come together in such a way that I am deeply invested in what becomes of her. Does anyone remember if Jason was wearing his service firearm as he heroically sprinted to her rescue? It stands to reason that he was given that he was in uniform, and that could easily explain the gunshot heard at this episode's conclusion.
I still lack all clarity with respect to the issue of Arlene's potentially evil, possibly haunted little one. We have seen that the child is in communication with the Creole woman (who is herself apparently grounded to this plane by that damned doll), but are we to conclude that she is responsible for his supernatural outbursts? What motivation would she have for causing a small blood vessel in Arlene's eye to burst, or writing foul messages on the wall, or burning down their home? There aren't enough puzzle pieces on the board to really answer any of those questions just yet, I suppose.
So close. So close! Sam almost did away with his brother. I was on the edge of my seat hoping that he would have the gumption to follow through with it. I realize that Tommy's life has been anything but easy and that a lot of his traumatic youth has shaped who he is as a person (which affords him a measure of understanding and empathy), but he leaves entirely too much destruction in his wake to be left standing. For the sake of those around him, and for his own sake, Tommy must die, especially now that he has skinwalking ability. Who knows what havoc he could wreak next?
Oh yeah, some stuff happened involving Sookie, but I try to tune that out whenever possible. Even Eric, my favorite vampire of past seasons, has become grating for me.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Thundercats (2011) -1×3- Ramlak Rising
This was an interesting ep. I'm glad the Thunderkittens got on board but it felt a little to soon for some reason. Same with the travel montage, It felt like they were leaving out potentially interesting parts of Third Earth/Thundera but it's still early in the series.
Nice upgrade on The Black Pyramid from what little was shown of it and Mumm-Ra's tomb. Poor Jaga though, I'm surprised that he's still alive and very intrigued as well. Wonder where Slithe slithered off to given that Mumm-Ra and Grune were there with Jaga.
Interesting that Jaga know where the book is and didn't tell Claudus. I wonder if Panthro and Jaga have some sort of deal together and he's protecting the book of Omens.
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