Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Modern Family Season 2 Ep 23 : See You Next Fall

I  really loved this whole episode.

I'm really enjoying the fact that the writers have decided to give Haley more depth as of late. The anxiety that she experiences as a result of listening to her college-bound friends' excited gabbing about that impending time is entirely realistic and forces me to generate compassion for the character. Her deepening relationship with Alex is another credit to the show's writing staff. It doesn't progress with false rapidity nor does it ring hollow; it's very organic. 

And while I didn't laugh when Cam hit the glass door, I cracked up when he hit the screen door. I apparently only think it's funny when it doesn't involve a lot of pain- walking into a solid door HURTS. The pool wasn't funny because it was cliche (like the doors weren't? I have no solid argument here) but if someone did it in real life, and wasn't hurt- it would be hysterical. 

Call me lame, but Julie Bowen and Ty Burrell's bodies deserve an ovation. First, Phil's ass as he waited to be hoisted over the gate, then the insanity of their legs on that bicycle, and finally, not so much the tumble down the hill as much as the way they popped straight up and collected themselves before proceeding to their seats. I was howling. I love watching physical comedy between the two of them. 

I really liked Haley and Alex's talk, and that Alex totally got what Haley was worried about. And that she ended up using Haley's song suggestions, and that it was Gloria's favorite part of the speech.

I also enjoyed Manny's "Well, one of us will graduate." Poor Luke, though I totally believe he opened the door with his mind. 

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