Sunday, May 8, 2011

Desperate Housewives Season 7 Ep 21 : Then I Really Got Scared

Pretty much a new low for Lynette. I really, really hope that Tom does the smart thing and divorces her. Either that or Penny's crying is a wake-up call for Lynette and she realize she's been ridiculous and Tom's right about her jealousy and undermining ways.

I cursed her out about three or four times this episode because I think it takes a special kind of sickness to question a luxury trip to Hawaii just because you weren't consulted. Yeah, Tom probably should have checked in with her first, but it's not so irresponsible to raise the bitter the way she did.

Bree/cop date: it was kind of cute that he looked at Bree's file and to see her all in a huff. But honestly, if I read a police file that said just the things that the cop read about Bree, I don't think I would want to actually go on the date. And Bree's holier-than-thou attitude towards Cop's not-yet-final-divorce seems inappropriate for Bree, considering she shacked up with someone, was cheating on Orson with Karl.

The Susan/Paul/Felicia storyline requires a fair amount of stupidity. If only Susan could be a grown up and say, "Please don't eat the cookies. I just found out that they might have been tampered with." Or if after the 5th time Felicia came over to help her cook, Susan didn't say, "Well that's about enough of that."

The Gabi storyline had its moments, but it seems a little late in the game to be introducing the latest Wisteria Lane serial killer.

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