Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Glee Season 2 Ep 6 : Never Been Kissed

That was a pretty good episode. I kind of enjoyed it. I absolutely loved Blaine as a new character and the Karofsky twist was a pleasant surprise. The irony of one gay guy victimizing another gay guy is a weird angle that I didn't think the writers would ever tackle on this show. So bonus points for taking on the hard stuff.

I didn't quite understand the "intervention" Blaine and Kurt tried to pull on Karofsky. Why in the hell would Karofsky being gay all of a sudden make Kurt and Blaine sympathize with him to the point where they would try to help him? A bully is a bully. Kurt should have had him expelled on the grounds of sexual assualt and battery.

The musical numbers were OK - the Girls won this round IMO. Also, it was great to have Puck back. He was in great form this episode.

If there is an Emmy for this episode, it should go to Max Adler. He really pulled off that locker room scene. That was brilliant. 


  1. Man this episode was great! Karofsky happens to be one of the most interesting characters on that show now and the actor is pulling off that internal conflict well, you can see it even in his face. I love Beast! She is the opposite of Sue and needs to stick around. Welcome back Puck!

  2. another thing, why does Kurt seem to think Karofsky needs to come out because he is gay? Not everyone needs to come out to the entire school.



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