Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Of Course There's Gonna Be A 'Karate Kid' Sequel

After The Karate Kid's box office success of 56 million blew past its 40 million budget , a sequel to the Jackie Chan Jaden Smith film seemed like a no brainer.  Sure enough, Sony Colombia Pictures execs are meeting with writers to see where to take the second installment. Looks like Will may have some competition for the King Of Summer crown.


I think they should travel to a different asain country or just another part of China. The main story in KK2 was the tournament he had to go through. Not like the tournament in the first one. He had to defend his title over and over. The 2nd one was very legendary. Might have been the best out of the original series. New movie has got a good movie to learn from.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, they MUST do the original KK2 justice, for real! I'm not buying Lil' Jaden as a romantic lead, though, especially for part 2. Um.....Romeo, anyone? lol



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