Friday, November 30, 2012

The Vampire Diaries -4×7- My Brother’s Keeper

Somehow, Matt and Jeremy became my favorite characters. And there need to be more Caroline/Stefan scenes. I like when the characters are allowed to interact with people who aren't Elena.

Caroline and Hayley were having a contest for who could wear the shortest, most inappropriate dress. Since they both lost their dignity, neither should win, but I'll give the edge to Hayley for sporting a glorified slip. And in red! Slutty!

I don't usually mind the triangle, but c'mon writers. Jeremy almost kills his sister, and everyone focuses on romantic drama? Stefan forcibly pushes Jeremy down the path that almost results in the kid killing his sister and everyone focuses on romantic drama? Elena has to move out of her childhood home and everyone focuses on romantic drama? I know there's something in the water in Mystic Falls

What Stefan did to Jeremy. Well, well. He's no better than Damon trying to sacrifice Bonnie or Abby for Elena. Did he really think turning Jeremy into a Hunter would help him get his girlfriend back?

There are few things I love about this show more than Damon making fun of Jeremy. No, he doesn't really have the right, but it's always hilarious.

Also? I really like the idea of Caroline and Klaus, but not when he's acting like he lives on a planet inhabited by care bears and unicorns. Next, he'll be talking about the time he snuggled with a koala while exploring New Zealand. There's a lot of potential there, the world Klaus can offer Caroline and all he can teach her, and how much he can learn from her about insecurity and guilt and stopping hating himself.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

American Horror Story: Asylum -2×7- Dark Cousin

There were so many things going on in this episode. All traumatizing to me.

I hate rape scenes. HATE THEM. I figured it was coming 2 episodes ago but I still wasn't prepared for that. The people on the internet who are still shipping her with Thredson(and describing that scene as a sex scene and not rape) after that scene need to be in an asylum themselves.

Lana has the work luck ever.

Sister Mary Satan continues to entertain the ever loving shit out of me. I love her machinations. From smacking down Arden to knowing all along who Bloody Face was. And that showdown between her and the Angel of Death gave me goosebumps. I want more scenes of them together. Lily Rabe was doing the damn thing this episode. This role is so much better for her than last season.

Oh, and the real Mary Eunice is still in there screaming to be saved. Somebody help her! I bet it will be Sister Jude in the end.

Can't wait Santa Ian Mcshane next week!

Modern Family -4×9- When a Tree Falls

I really love the visual gags they come up with on this show like Cam as a cat in a tree!

As a Say Anything fanatic I loved that Phil pulled a Lloyd Dobler to get Claire back, but of course Phil being Phil he uses Olivia Newton John instead of Your Eyes.

I seriously thought gloria's water had broken. At first when the Costco manager said that if she really was having a baby or a turkey, i thought she was going to throw something at him.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Walking Dead -3×7- When the Dead Come Knocking

With one episode left to go, the verdict is in for me: This half-season was fantastic. They fixed the biggest problem of the show in a major way, and that is pacing. The conflict between Rick's gang and the Woodberries has been set up pretty much perfectly, which even makes suffering through Andrea's scenes seem worthwhile. I don't think I've ever been as giddy about this show as I was during the last 5 minutes of this episode. Previously, the inter-human conflicts have seemed to distract from the zombie mayhem, but the Governor and his troupe have been set up so well as adversaries that I can't wait for this to go down. Loyalties are going to be put to the test on both sides. The outcome is completely unpredictable to me.

Episode was great, with one exception. I thought the concept of a hermit camping out in the red zone, seemingly oblivious to what's going on (asking for a badge?) was patently silly and the scene didn't seem to add anything other than some blood and guts.

I really liked the character moments at the prison (Carol reunion, Carl/Rick heart-to-heart) and I almost wish there was more of it. I'm terribly worried about the people left behind. That parting shot of them felt really foreboding to me. Those four (plus Axel) presumably going up against Merle and a bunch of mercenaries? Does not look good in the slightest. There's some people there I really, really don't want to die.

Revenge -2×8- Lineage

I usually enjoy flashbacks so I can get more backstory, but almost an entire episode taken up by flashbacks and all we really learned is that Victoria had a jealous selfish insecure bitch monster of a mother (no surprise), how Aiden and Amanda met, and Daniel wrote bad poetry? None of that is really a surprise. I mean, most college freshmen write bad poetry so that's pretty par for the course. Conrad has been planning for Daniel to join the company since birth so no surprise that he burned said poetry (even though by 2006, we had these cool things called computers where you could store things like poetry). I think we've known from the beginning that Victoria is a schemer so her revenge plan on her mother was no surprise either (nor were the circumstances that caused her to want revenge).

The only other things we learned were that Amanda helped Ashley but Ashley didn't know who she was, Nolan dated another one of his CFOs, and the Porters were always boring. If next week is the winter finale, I want to see some fireworks to balance out how little action we got this week.

Ashley was an idiot. What did she think she would do with an MFA in art history ANYWHERE?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Once Upon a Time (2011) -2×8- Into the Deep

I liked that Granny's savvy enough to want to keep paying customers well, and preemptively called for the diner to close. She's heard that tone of Regina's before and Granny wasn't gonna take chances!

For a minute, I was concerned that David wasn't sitting down to pick his finger; I didn't realize they were in the same space as where Henry was on the cot. It would've been poor David's luck to get gung-ho and not think about after the spell took over. Speaking of luck, I'm beginning to think like Snow- they are cursed to small periods of happiness because they believe in each other so strongly. That's why they are constantly torn away from each other, because they do find each other in the end.

Ginnifer Goodwin needs a frickin' Emmy. She plays such a range of emotions most every week! The scene with Emma about blame, the scene in the Fiery Room with David, her 'welp, nice to meet ya, Mulan' 'tude as she readied to freakin' kill Mulan! Snow is on par with Granny as far as badass grandmas go, imo. Mulan's almost acceptance of Snow's choice was interesting. Aurora is her line in the sand; Storybrooke is Snow's. Of course, Mulan didn't know (and could probably care less) about David's situation, but Mulan has been shown to be pragmatic, mostly. I have to agree with Mulan about one thing: they are doing a hella lot of walking. I get tired thinking about how much walking they do in one episode (in Enchanted Present.) It's always in a time crunch too, so I kinda feel part of where Mulan was coming from- we traipse to place X, you talk to someone from your world, we traipse to place Y to find object J and you talk to someone in your dream again. We have to haul ass to place Z and find Object T...

IA that the Aurora heart-snatch was out of left-field to me. I can understand that the three big images of the series have the knowledge, but Hook? Really Show? Also, you can give control of the heart to whomever you wish, as seen with Hook letting Cora control Aurora? Granted, we've only seen folks who want to directly control the folks whose hearts have been removed,but this seems...too easy(?).

I know that the magic diamonds have just been found, show-wise, but shouldn't the fairies be a little more involved in watching over the town, as well as David and Henry as they are the folks who can help them regain their powers? Something I was just wondering. Plus I love Grumpy and Astra(?).

Friday, November 23, 2012

American Horror Story: Asylum -2×6- The Origins of Monstrosity

I am so glad that Zach Quinto and Sarah Paulsen are apparently freinds in real life, because to play a scene like that with someone you didn't know/trust---brrrr. It made the aversion/conversion stuff look like Tuesdays With Morrie.

It's great that they really went for broke there because, really; how much are we going to buy a serial killer like Bloody Face if he isn't throughly invested in his craziness? It's like Liberace in earth tones--just doesn't work. Go big or go home!

Thredson's story of going to medical school in order to understand what was wrong with him was another great mirror to the religious characters. Thredson gained insights but no peace from his study of the mind. Jude and Mary Eunice both ran to the church to be "safe" from sins, their own and others, only to discover that there isn't a safe place as long as you're lying to yourself. Mary's resentment that the Church didn't magically heal the pain of her past left her vulnerable to possession. Jude's terror at being found out as a hit and run driver has driven her into corner after corner. Whatever the Monsignor's secret is, it's bad enough that he's letting Arden run wild through patients' bodies and souls.

And speaking of the good Monsignor...

Is anyone else having trouble making this track? Last week it looked like M was quite aware of Arden's past--sardonic Nazi smoking and all. But this week it was clearly established that he only met Arden in 1962--two years before. And he also had no idea what the doctor was doing until he saw Shelley and Spivey. So what was that housekeeping call about? If he had no clue about the doc's doings, why would he think to call and warn him?

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Walking Dead -3×6- Hounded

That was awesome. As soon as Rick started squinting and heading for the fence, I'm going "I hope she remembered the formula", and she had. I like Michonne. The look on her face when the walkers bypassed her, all covered in zombie goo, all surprise, relief and realization. It was a nice shoutout back to the Atlanta days too. It took some serious stones to walk up to that fence with zombies all around it. And only Michonne could limp in, carrying a shopping basket and still look badass as hell. I look forward to her meeting up with everyone and Hershel will be happy to have an actual surgery to do. Too bad she has to tell them about Meryl, Glenn and Maggie though. Daryl's going to be conflicted: yay, my brother's alive vs crap, my brother's still an asshole.

Did the Governor spend all that time with Andrea so she wouldn't wonder why Meryl left so soon after Michonne? Or did Michonne ever cross her mind again after the gates closed? Geez, Andrea. Wait till you meet your future stepdaughter.

Andrew Lincoln was freaking amazing, the way he sold Rick's breakdown. I couldn't bear to watch and I couldn't bear to look away. I kept thinking it was a delusion but I was kind of hoping it was real, and there really was somewhere safe that wasn't Woodbury. I loved that Rick hung up, accepting that Lori was gone and there was no haven, and he still had family to protect. And Glenn and Maggie to retrieve. Somehow. Fingers crossed.

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Vampire Diaries -4×6- We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes

Even as a hallucination, Katherine is awesome.

Hayley so has it going on for Tyler, it’s not funny, and I think Tyler might be feeling it too. I like Caroline and Tyler, but it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if the broke up, but damn it, if they put Caroline with Klaus, I’m gonna need to get prescribed an anti-nausea medication.

Shane must be Silas, and this story has me interested. Obviously he is immortal without being a vampire. What does he want with Bonnie?

I love Jeremy to pieces but I am SO mad at all of the crew for killing random hybrid dude and was very glad to see somebody call them on that shit. Go Ty! I can't believe Caroline went along with it. I felt like that required a major personality transplant in just about everybody but our natural born killer vamps, like Klaus. Seriously, Jeremy. WTF

I really liked the Elena/Stefan break up. I liked that it wasn't so much about Damon but how much they've grown apart. They are different people than when they met and would be even without Damon, but Elena's feelings for him make their problems harder to ignore. I'd like her to be alone for a while, work on herself and accepting who and what she is, rather than jump into a new relationship

Thursday, November 15, 2012

American Horror Story: Asylum -2×5- I Am Anne Frank (2)\

Good Lord, this show is brutal. Of course Sister Eunice would dump monster!Shelley at an elementary school lol.

I had to look away during the surgery bit.

I didn't understand the Anne Frank story. Was she faking or not? She acted like she didn't know the guy who was supposedly her husband and then changed her tune when she saw the picture with the baby. Also, why did the flashbacks look like home movies?

Sister Jude had time to go to the hair salon? I wonder when she's going to see Arden without his shirt on.

I knew Thredson was Bloody Face. I wish she'd just run out the front door. What I don't understand is how he plans on eventually letting her go. If he doesn't let her go then how can she write his story? Also, if he continues to kill women as Bloody Face what was the point in framing Kit? They're still going to be looking for this guy since she'll know that Kit is innocent. Even if Lana is killed he's presumably going to kill again so they'll know they didn't get the right guy.

Is Alma pregnant with Kit's child or an alien? Did Grace get a chip? It sucks that Kit is taken away right as he finally has someone to talk about the abduction experience with.

Alma seemed pretty calm considering she's been spending the last few months separated from the world with only aliens and the occasional captive for company.

Modern Family -4×8- Mistery Date

Phil: Lets go upstairs and start the halftime festivities.Phil's storyline had me LMAO the entire way through.I kept thinking Phil was going to figure out Ferris was gay any minute but nope. That's our Phil!

I thought Phil's reaction to being kissed was great. I was kind of expecting for the awkward moment of the episode to be when Cam and Mitch showed up at Phil's, but I'm glad it didn't go that way. Way to subvert my expectations, show!

I loved the photo booth tagline stuff., Especially at the seemed genuine Rico/Nolan rather than Manny/Luke.

Great episode overall.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Revenge -2×7- Exposure

I'm really confused about how Nolan letting Daniel get his hands on David's check will protect Emily. Wouldn't they trace ownership of the shares either way to be able to make a claim on them? I really hope they address the fact that the check was made from David's personal funds at some stage because it's seriously unrealistic otherwise.

Really sick of how Emily's been treating Nolan especially in this episode. The guy basically risked the fortune he spend his entire adult life building to protect her and minutes after finding out she tells him to make sure he clears his afternoon because she'll need his help.

Also, a little confused about the role of Helen in all of this. Emily mentioned the investors lunch still being held and the initiative knowing about it and sending one of their own but to what end? Didn't Daniel only let the investors at the house know they were meeting while at the party?

I'm confused as to why they made a point to point of Kara was off her meds when the entire time she's been on the show she's looked totally drugged up on anti-psychotics.

The Walking Dead -3×5- Say the Word

Daryl's the greatest. It was awesome watching him take charge in the beginning, and then he was so sweet with the baby. He added a little levity to a scene that was pretty grim, with Carl listing the many, many possible dead people they could name the baby after. Didn't seem like that many until you hear all their names.

Glad to see Michonne actually get something to do, and I actually think the conflict between her and Andrea was written in a way that made sense. From what Andrea could see, Michonne really wasn't making sense and really didn't have a good reason to be suspicious. Bet Andrea regrets that decision now! The fight was the right mixture of sick and genuinely entertaining, so it wasn't so over-the-top that everyone's cheering seemes ridiculous.

Still liking scientist guy, and still finding Merle really entertaining.

Rick better calm down soon, not that his rampage wasn't cool to watch.

Glad to see Glenn at least cared about T-Dog.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Once Upon a Time (2011) -2×7- Child of the Moon

While I would have liked more forward progression with the main story of the season, I understand why they had to do this episode now. Ruby's nature had to be addressed (and it's awesome that she now gets to wolf out in Storybrooke), and it had to take place within a month of of the premiere, show-timeline-wise. Meghan Ory is all types of awesome. The way she's able to play so many aspects of Red and have them coalesce into a coherent narrative is really impressive. The bonding between Ruby and Belle was nice (but poor, deluded Belle, thinking she actually knows something about fixing people -- no, girl, just no). Josh Dallas said in an interview that he really enjoyed playing a platonic relationship between a man and a woman, and as a viewer, I have to concur. It's really lovely to see how much these characters care about one another.

So, was Rumpel really doing something out of kindness (or guilt, which I could possibly buy, as he probably sees Henry as a bit of a proxy for Bae)? Or does he know more than he's letting on? Does getting Emma and Mary Margaret back benefit him in any way?

It's good to find out that King George really is the bastard they've made him out to be. David did the right thing by not shooting him, but I wouldn't have judged him too harshly had he gone through with it.

And Granny the welder -- is there anything that woman can't do (except for maybe make lasagna)?

ETA: those casting people need some awards. Annabeth Gish as Red's mom -- wow.

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Vampire Diaries -4×5- The Killer

Damn, just after I just finish saying that Klaus' "keep him alive for the cure" would give the writers leeway to make Connor's stay long, they up and kill him. He was a serious bad ass and I'm gonna miss him. But I have to give the show credit, they know how to do their twists/shocks.

The Stefan and Damon scenes were by far the highlight. They are just great together. I'm curious to see how things play out when Klaus returns. Will they pretend that Damon doesn't know about the cure?

I'm really liking April. A genuine innocent. Not a Special Snowflake, just a sweet, nice girl who I actually want to root for.

How would April and her father have known Connor from some long ago time? That was odd. Was Connor once in Mystic Falls? Was he a relative of Bonnie's? It's hard to figure since they really have not connected April or her father to anyone. April's father said a bigger evil was coming, and the death of the council was the beginning. I thought Connor blew up the house, but apparently he may have been taking marching orders from the Professor. I wonder if Connor thought he was blowing up a house full of vamps? Or did Connor just kill the Council to prevent them from killing the vampires that he needed to kill to make his tattoo grow?

The hybrid dying in the grill was one of the few times I've had to look away from the screen on this show, so bravo effects team.

Relieved the Tyler/Hayley/Caroline drama was cleared up and it was clear there was no cheating. The whole "freeing the hybrids" thing could be interesting especially since Klaus thinks he has a hold over Tyler when he really doesn't.

I love Professor Shane helping Bonnie to regain her magic, but I can't help but think he has a bigger agenda.

Jeremy now has the mark of the hunter is now compulsion proof, faster and stronger. Also, the ring may not work anymore. Certainly, I would not be inclined to test it if I was him. And he actually did the right thing when he realized April was being compelled. Go Jeremy!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Modern Family -4×7- Arrested

The first five minutes had me rolling. Episodes like these are what made me fall in love with this show. So many funny quotes I can't think of at the moment (the fookin gross, everything Luke, Lily was funny, Phil & Haley, Gloria and her money quote, etc.)

I also liked that, for a change, a sitcom character's indiscretions had lasting consequences. Great "dad" speech from Phil, and it was nice to see Claire totally backing him up.

American Horror Story: Asylum -2×4- I Am Anne Frank (1)

Oooh I loved this episode.

First, Lana and ZQ: I said last week that I got the feeling he was digging her, and now that's pretty much settled. Still not sure what the connection might be with him and the murders, but he has to be connected, considering he all but admitted to Lana that he felt someone else was responsible for the crimes and then did such a mindfuck on Kit this week. Either way, it keeps going back and forth between being very creepy (that horrible aversion/conversion scene) and genuinely as though he sees himself as her savior. I was really glad the 'conversion' didn't involve him getting all rapey with her, which in some twisted way for me makes his interest in her more genuine or fleshed out.
**And then we have the hint that the cops are starting to realize it would take a skilled doctor to filet a body that well, and it's a given that Dr. Arden is way too busy with a billion other horrific crimes to be Bloody Face.

I actually LOVED the Anne Frank take. There's a lot of controversy at this point regarding the authenticity of the diary. I liked the idea that she survived but saw herself as a figure, and I feel like I'm probably going to very, very slowly realize it's connected/a tribute to a whole bunch of plots and ideas. Poor Franke. She never fares well in an institution and I don't see her making it very long, given the previews for next week imply the doctor is walking off his bullet wound. Also like the smooth redemption it offered Sister Jude...

Which leads me to my favorite scene, and that was her with Kit. First of all, they're the two best actors/fleshed out characters on the show (I think Evan Peters could have sexual tension with a chair) so watching them interact was a delight that we've been deprived of otherwise this season. And seeing how empathetic she actually was towards him, and how she was second guessing herself and realizing she might actually be more of a monster than he is, that was awesome.

I don't believe Grace at all. I think she tells whatever story she needs at the moment. And I think that like Sister Jude, she needs to be absolved, so she's latching on to Kit as the one innocent in the institution.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Revenge -2×6- Illusion

I suspect Amanda has put Mason in the gun sights of the initiative, exposing Gordon Murphy, Victoria and Conrad will just put him on a collision course with the Initiative.

If the series is going to last for any length of time they have to enhance the multiple cats, multiple mice scenarios. Setting Conrad up to either finance another mass murder or prop up an evil dictator by financing the weapons deal.

So will Kara snap when she realizes she married the man who murdered David? I have a feeling Kara will give us a few more, has she snapped or is she about to, like her moment on the balcony with Victoria before she finally does snap. It was eerie for a brief minute, JJL looked like Kyra Sedgwick.

I wonder how Nolan is going to test Padma's loyalty, hopefully some exploratory accounting that uncovers what Conrad is about to be funding.

So, who dies in the next episode? Bets?

The Walking Dead -3×4- Killer Within

That was some genuinely fantastic television. I've never seen the show maintain that high a level of quality for a whole episode before. It's been a long time since I've been so completed gutted by a show. And that they managed that with the death of a character they've mishandled from the beginning, whose death so many were rooting for, just makes the execution of the last half of this episode that much more impressive to me. Lori saying goodbye to Carl started me crying, and I didn't stop for the rest of the episode. And that it all connects back to Rick leaving that kid to be eaten makes it that much more devastating.

I am annoyed that they killed of T-Dog, though. Like, you can have multiple black people on the show, guys. It's okay.

I liked Michonne's scene with the Governor, which did a lot to make her suspicions seem like an outgrowth of intelligence instead of just anti-social sullenness, as it mostly came across last week. And I'm cutting Andrea some slack, because the Governor has been damn charming in his scenes with her.

Merle might actually become an interesting character instead of just an interesting plot thread. He was really enjoyable this week.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Once Upon a Time - Season 2 Episode 6 - Tallahassee

I'd been looking forward to this episode ever since I found out it was happening, and man, it did not disappoint!

August, you know I love you (seriously, I squealed like a tween at a Justin Bieber concert when you showed up), but dude. There had to be an easier way than, you know, killing Wee Emma's hope and faith in humanity. Poor girl.

Loved Snow mothering Aurora and loved the tie-in with Henry's nightmare at the end. I also loved that moment when Snow told Emma that the only way they're going back is together. The two of them just make me so happy when they have scenes together like that.

Also, Hook and Emma bantering made me snerk, and I want to know what the hell was in August's box.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Vampire Diaries -4×4- The Five

Elijah! Come back, Elijah!

Very proud of myself for guessing what the "ultimate weapon" will turn out to be.I think this cure will turn out to be as big a fake out as the Sun and Moon curse, and, at best, we'll see Klaus or a Salvatore turn human. The worst possible scenario is, of course, Elena going back to being human. I don't know how this would work, but I would like to see the cure somehow bring Tatia back to life as I want to meet her.

Poor Rebekah! I know she has her share of misdeeds, but it seems like everyone shits on her. I hated the way Klaus treated her, tried to regain her trust and then (literally) stabbed her in the back again, and it annoys me that Stefan went along with this. Whatever Rebekah may have done, she is certainly sincere in her desire to be loved or even befriended.

I don't think I can love Connor any more than I already do.

Professor Shane seems like an interesting character. I'm curious to know what his angle is. Kinda liking him and Bonnie as well. I'm sure he can mentor Bonnie in a lot of ways.

I feel like Damon was pleased as hell when he got his Kathryn- lite at the frat party. Elena was feeding, enjoying it, but not being overly cruel with him. Everything fun and sexy about Kathryn, but without the cruelty.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Arrow -1×4- An Innocent Man

This episode wasn't all that, but they can't all be winners.

LOVE that Dig is in the know. Oliver needs a good guy warrior mentor to help him navigate a little away from being absolutely ruthless in his execution and more measured. Also the boy just needs someone he can trust to talk to. Although wouldn't it be something if Dig is actually working for the bad guys? He was hired by Oliver's mom afterall and his brother was killed Deadpool...although I'd prefer Diggle to be the Earth 1 Alfred to Oliver's Batman.

Line that made me laugh from Dig to the new bodyguard: 'Oh, that boy is long gone by now.'

Laurel continues to be flat for me unless she's with Tommy. She also treats he dad like crap and while Det. Lance can be a bit of a bear, he's got good reason to be and she's got no reason to be that snooty with him. She's okay with the Green Hood doing the work of the cops, but I bet if he started executing on the spot and just leaving the body's all over the place and infringing on her neck of the woods she'd be pissed. If she wasn't, she has no business being a lawyer if she's not supportive of the system.

I still vote for Joanna the lawyer or IT tech girl to romance Ollie. Dude needs some fun in his life.

And I can't believe I didn't realize it until now but that's Agent Curtis from 24 as Det. Lance's partner! All these great actors in bit roles. Any way he can be related to Victor' Cyborg' Stone?

American Horror Story: Asylum -2×3- Nor’easter

Demon possession? Check.
Aliens? Check.
Serial killers? Check.
Crazy scientists? Check.
Mutant monsters? Check.

And all in one episode. Jessica Lange was wonderful as she was unraveling and I am just absolutely loving Lily Rabe! She does possessed very well, IMO.

Poor Shelly. She's as much a heroine as Lana and she got it so much worse. And the worst apparently is yet to come!

Dr. Arden's character has gone so over the top I really don't know where they can go from here. He's got huge mommy issues (I bet his mom mutilated him!) and huge purity issues and huge brain issues and he's just seven feet of ISSUES. James Cromwell's doing a great job with some really offputting material but I'm getting a lot more Show's Creator Has Some Big Time Problems With Women more then Dr. Arden Is Evil with his scenes.

I'm still wondering about the alien Sister Jude saw. I wonder if it implanted something in her?

The alien looked fucking weird by the way, not scary. It looked like a balloon.

Modern Family -4×6- Yard Sale

"Why didn't I wear my shants!!!" had me cracking up.

Luke's total manipulation of Gloria because "dammit, he wanted a puppet show and he'd get one" was kind of adorable.

Lines like

"It's not nerdy! Back me up, Luke."
"I hope you mean into the garage, because I have friends on this street."


"You could be taking those jeans out of the hands of some needy, giant children."

convince me that the writers must love to write for Nolan Gould.

I assume this isn't the last we're going to see of Alex's boyfriend because I thought his reaction to her asking and his agitation and emotion when Jay walked in on him, kind of proved that he is gay but just not ready to admit it to himself which is why Mitchell was right about Claire staying out of it.


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